Attractions and Recreation / Gateway Arch National Park

Subcategory: Gateway Arch National Historic Site

Unique DB ID: 38803
See the WIKI for more information
See Federal Government St Louis for related frequencies
Gateway Arch National Park, formerly Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, consists of the Gateway Arch, the museum under the arch, and St. Louis' Old Courthouse
National Park Service - Jefferson National Expansion Memorial
Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase II
Security / Police (LEO) using talkgroup 10721 for dispatch and 10722 for other operations

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 38.62500 Longitude: -90.18600 Range: 0.33 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
170.100 RM 293 NAC Arch Security 1A Police [TG 1] (169.55 in?) P25e Law Dispatch
170.100 RM 293 NAC Arch Security 1B Police [TG 3] P25E Law Dispatch
172.525 RM 293 NAC Arch Security 2 Police/Security [Ch 2] [TG 1] P25 Law Dispatch
172.775 BM 131.8 PL Arch Grounds 3 Grounds [Ch 3] FMN Federal
168.350 BM Arch Maintnce 4 Maintenance [Ch 4] FMN Federal
171.625 RM 293 NAC Arch Operations5 Arch / Tram / Courthouse - Maintenance [Ch 5] [TG 1] P25 Federal
170.750 BM 293 NAC TFE Crthse Ops Courthouse Ops P25 Federal
173.625 BM Arch Ops 7 Operations FMN Federal
171.635 BM Arch Ops A Operations FMN Federal
166.7875 BM 296 NAC NPS 166.7875 National Park Service/Arch (may be other agency) P25E Federal