Cumberland County / Businesses

Subcategory: Franklin Industrial Minerals (*)

Unique DB ID: 38584
Limestone Quarry Operations in Crab Orchard. Also operates the former Norfolk Southern railroad line from Crab Orchard, TN, to Rockwood, TN (originally Tennessee Central).

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 35.94100 Longitude: -84.98900 Range: 19.19 Type: Inherited


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
464.575WNIH793 RM 627 DPL FIM Repeater Main Operations - Repeater FMN Business
160.950 BM CSQ NS Road Norfolk Southern Railroad Interchange - Road Channel FMN Railroad
160.245 BM CSQ NS Dsp/Train Norfolk Southern Railroad Interchange - Dispatcher/Trains FMN Railroad
461.775WNIH793 M 431 DPL FIM Rail Rail Switching at Crab Orchard FMN Railroad
468.200WNIH793 M FIM 468.200 Mobiles FMN Business
468.300WNIH793 M FIM 468.300 Mobiles FMN Business
468.400WNIH793 M FIM 468.400 Mobiles FMN Business