Cook County / Municipalities and Districts

Subcategory: Wilmette

Unique DB ID: 36065

Wilmette Police now dispatched by Glenview Public Safety Dispatch Center (GPSDC). (12/24)
Fire (Stations 26 and 27) dispatched on 159.66 D031 by RED Center; North Shore Mutual Aid on 151.010 127.3 PL. Fire Pre-Alerting is no longer on the Wilmette Public Works freq, and is now on 155.250 (162.2) by GPSDC. Fire Dispatch is still done by RED Center for now.
See the WIKI for additional frequency information.

STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Police dispatched by Glenview Public Safety Dispatch Center (GPSDC). Formerly self-dispatched on talkgroup 3687 (encrypted) and have access to talkgroups 36811-36815 (community events, etc.), talkgroup 36816 (unencrypted).

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 42.07225 Longitude: -87.72284 Range: 2 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.250KXE709 BM 606 DPL Wilm Police Ch10 Police: Ops (Ch 10) FMN Law Talk
154.980KBL517 BM 179.9 PL Wilm PubWrks Public Works FMN Public Works
173.225 M 127.3 PL Wilm Water1A Water Plant Ops [No License] FMN Utilities
173.225 M 167.9 PL Wilm Water1B Water Plant Ops [No License] FMN Utilities
159.980 M CSQ Wilm Water 2 Water Plant Ops [No License] FMN Utilities
151.430KNHU681 RM 173.8 PL Wilm Parks Wilmette Park District (rpts multiple PLs) [Expired 1/22] FMN Public Works