World Wide Technology Raceway (Madison) / World Wide Technology Raceway

Subcategory: Operations

Unique DB ID: 35973
EMS Provided by MedStar and other contracted medical teams, Fire/Rescue by City of Madison, Police by Madison city and St Clair County Sheriff
6/24 - Using ITTF-Inc 3 for Security, ITTF-Inc 4 TG30340 for MedCarts/EMS/Fire.  TG7087 SCC SCSES may be some on-sight security/police.  Also may be security on 461.275 NAC293 TG1800.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Madison (City) Police and Fire, Madison County Sheriff. MedStar EMS on Event. Other Law may use ITTF Incident 2/3/4. St Clair County TGs may be used SCC EMS Common 1, SCSES. See the WIKI for more info

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 38.65000 Longitude: -90.13600 Range: 0.46 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.7625WRWP630 RM 365 DPL WWTR Command Command: Admin/Main FMN Business
461.4125WRWP630 RM 365 DPL WWTR Parking Parking Ops [2023] and/or Security FMN Business
462.7375WRWP630 RM 351 DPL WWTR Ticketing Ticketing FMN Business
461.7875WRWP630 RM 134 DPL WWTR Safety Safety: Fire/EMS/Tow Trucks FMN Multi-Dispatch
451.925WRWP630 M 047 DPL WWTR TramService Tram Service FMN Business
452.500WRWP630 M 152 DPL WWTR Ops 452.5 Operations FMN Business
457.625WRWP630 M 532 DPL WWTR Merchandise Merchandise FMN Business
462.7375WRWP630 M 731 DPL WWTR Maintenance Maintenance FMN Business
463.475WRWP630 M 516 DPL WWTR Sales/Mrktg Sales/Marketing FMN Business
463.900WRWP630 M 315 DPL WWTR Shuttles Shuttles FMN Transportation
464.3375 M 152 DPL WWTR KartPlex KartPlex [No License] FMN Business
464.7125WQQC424 M 365 DPL WWTR Ops 4647125 Operations [Expired 10/22] FMN Business
464.8125WRWP630 M 662 DPL WWTR Concert Concert FMN Business
469.3625WRWP630 M 116 DPL WWTR Finance Finance FMN Business
469.825WRWP630 M 172 DPL WWTR Infld/Tunnl Infield/Tunnel FMN Business
469.875WRWP630 M 223 DPL WWTR Parking Parking FMN Business
454.000 B CSQ WWTR RACEceiver RACEceiver FMN Media