Cook County / Municipalities and Districts
Subcategory: Maywood
Unique DB ID: | 35772 |
Fire/EMS (units 501-519) dispatched on 154.37 103.5 PL by Eisenhower Emergency Communications ("Ike 911", Broadview).
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police (units 100s) dispatched on talkgroup 25311 (encrypted) by Ike911 on the Cook County Sheriff 500-series sites. |
Subcategory Location Data
Latitude: | 41.87920 | Longitude: | -87.84312 | Range: | 2 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
158.820 | WQGI235 | BM | 110.9 PL | Mayw PubWrks | Public Works | FMN | Public Works |
151.265 | BM | 107.2 PL | Maywood Parks | Maywood Central Area Park District | FMN | Public Works | |
854.075 | WRVW285 | RM | Maywood EMA | Maywood DHS/EMA Operations | P25 | Deprecated | |
857.075 | WRVW285 | RM | 103 NAC | Maywood EMA | Maywood DHS/EMA Operations | P25 | Emergency Ops |