Marin County / Transit
Subcategory: Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District
Unique DB ID: | 35180 |
Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District Project 25 Phase I | Operations |
Subcategory Location Data
Latitude: | 38.06659 | Longitude: | -122.73443 | Range: | 23 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
482.5875 | WII642 | M | 103.5 PL | MV Golden Gate | MV Golden Gate | FMN | Transportation |
482.5875 | WII642 | M | 131.8 PL | MS Marin | MS Marin | FMN | Transportation |
482.5875 | WII642 | M | 146.2 PL | MS SF/Sonoma | MS San Francisco / MS Sonoma | FMN | Transportation |
482.5875 | WII642 | M | 156.7 PL | MV Del Norte | MV Del Norte | FMN | Transportation |
482.5875 | WII642 | M | 167.9 PL | MV Mendo/Napa | MV Mendocino / MV Napa | FMN | Transportation |
774.98125 | WQPL720 | M | 40B NAC | LarkspurTerminal | Larkspur Ferry Terminal | P25 | Transportation |