Attractions and Recreation / Recreation

Subcategory: Casino Queen (East St. Louis)

Unique DB ID: 31535
7/21 - Appears to no longer be operating as a trunked system, but Tier 3 Conventional.   860.0375 has no noted activity.
           Talkgroups of 100 (on both freqs) are not simulcast and not the same activity.  Not RAS.  Sys Code is 00.00....

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 38.52005 Longitude: -89.98399 Range: 45 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
860.5625WPDJ308 RM CC 1
TG 100
SL *
CasQun A 100 Operations DMR Business
860.8875WPDJ308 RM CC 3
TG 100
SL *
CasQun C 100 Operations DMR Business
852.5125WPDJ308 M CasQun Mobile Security (Mobile only/off TRS) FMN Security