Madison County / Glen Carbon PSAP (GlenCom)
Subcategory: Pontoon Beach/ Long Lake Fire
Unique DB ID: | 31515 |
Glen Carbon dispatch answers 911 calls for the Pontoon Beach. (as of 1/29/25)
Glen Carbon may contact PBPD directly on TG7346, or on MAD E911 TG. PB Police still has a local dispatch.
Glen Carbon may contact PBPD directly on TG7346, or on MAD E911 TG. PB Police still has a local dispatch.
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois Project 25 Phase II | Police using talkgroup 7346 for Dispatch. (as of 5/7/15). Long Lake Fire Fire dispatched on talkgroup 7913 Fire South, patched with 155.655, |
Subcategory Location Data
Latitude: | 38.73172 | Longitude: | -90.08038 | Range: | 3 | Type: | Defined Coverage |