Businesses / Businesses

Subcategory: Businesses

Unique DB ID: 29188

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 38.10214 Longitude: -105.37262 Range: 27.66 Type: Inherited


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
154.055WPLT783 RM 051 DPL CCA 1 Corrections Corporation of America FM Corrections
154.710WPLT783 RM CCA 2 Corrections Corporation of America FM Corrections
155.610WPLT783 M CCA Corrections Corporation of America FM Corrections
155.655WPLT783 M CCA Corrections Corporation of America FM Corrections
158.760WPLT783 M CCA Corrections Corporation of America FM Corrections
158.820WPLT783 M CCA Corrections Corporation of America FM Corrections