Peoria County / Colleges and Universities

Subcategory: Bradley University (Peoria)

Unique DB ID: 28960
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Bradley University Police (and all of Peoria County public safety) now uses site 249 (as of 1/9/19)

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 40.69800 Longitude: -89.61600 Range: 0.21 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
463.225KNFF287 RM 100.0 PL BU Shuttle Vans Shuttle Vans FMN Transportation
154.490WQMD371 M BU Police V1 Police: Operations FMN Deprecated
154.515WQMD371 M BU Police V2 Police: Operations FMN Deprecated
451.325WPNZ515 M BU Activities Student Activities Coordination [Expired 8/24] FMN Deprecated
467.8125WPLP204 M 114 DPL BU Athletics 1 Athletic Department FMN Schools
464.500WPLP204 M BU Athletics 2 Athletic Department FMN Schools
461.0375WQMD371 M 250.3 PL BU Athletics 3 Athletic Department FMN Schools
464.550 M 532 DPL BU Athletics 4 Athletic Department FMN Schools
466.0375WQMD371 M 606 DPL BU Athletics 5 Athletic Department FMN Schools
464.725WPKP382 M 123.0 PL BU Maintnce Maintenance FMN Schools
464.775WPKP382 RM 123.0 PL BU Maint HVAC Maintenance - HVAC FMN Schools
463.775WPLL287 M 192.8 PL BU Engineering Engineering FMN Schools