St. Francois County / Hospitals and EMS

Subcategory: St. Francois County Ambulance District

Unique DB ID: 27931

WRBK207 also has 155.4375 Repeater with 159.33, at Arcadia

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 37.84883 Longitude: -90.40375 Range: 20 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.985WRBK207 RM CC 10
TG 5100
SL 1
St Francois EMS EMS: Dispatch / Ops DMRE EMS Dispatch
155.985WRBK207 RM 156.7 PL St Fran EMS Old EMS: Operations (still used) FMN EMS Dispatch
453.325KON266 RM 156.7 PL St Fran EMS RF EMS: Remote Links FMN EMS Dispatch