School Bus/Mass Transit / Transit Authorities

Subcategory: Rail

Unique DB ID: 26907

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 41.85900 Longitude: -87.80700 Range: 14.77 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
854.1875WQJY844 RM CTA 800 New Urban Rail Transport [Expired 2/19] FMN Deprecated
472.9375KYN262 RM 127.3 PL CTA Rail F-1 CPD Transit Alt [Ch 1] [Expired 4/23] FMN Transportation
470.9875KYT938 RM 127.3 PL CTA Rail F-2 Rail Emergency [Ch 2] (CFD-Contact) [Expired 11/22] FMN Transportation
470.5375WQDY331 RM 127.3 PL CTA Rail F-3 Supervisors - North (includes Buses) [Ch 3] FMN Transportation
470.6375WQDY331 RM 127.3 PL CTA Rail F-4 Supervisors - South (includes Buses) [Ch 4] (N. Michigan & E Randolph) FMN Transportation
471.0375KYT938 RM 127.3 PL CTA Rail F-5 Blue and Pink Line Ops [Ch 5] [Expired 11/22] FMN Transportation
471.0625KYT938 RM 127.3 PL CTA Rail F-6 Green and Orange Line Ops [Ch 6] [Expired 11/22] FMN Transportation
471.0875KYT938 RM 127.3 PL CTA Rail F-7 Brown, Purple and Yellow Line Ops [Ch 7] [Expired 11/22] FMN Transportation
471.1125KYT938 RM 127.3 PL CTA Rail F-8 Red Line Ops [Ch 8] [Expired 11/22] FMN Transportation
44.540WQDW399 BM CTA Rail LB Rail Heater Control FMN Transportation