Medical Helicopters / EMS Agencies (Area Wide) / Medical Helicopters - Other Agencies

Subcategory: Lifeflight Eagle

Unique DB ID: 26039
See the WIKI for more information
Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN)
Project 25 Phase II
Using talkgroup 65030 (as of 8/23)

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 40.07890 Longitude: -93.61661 Range: 33 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
452.175WQXG472 RM 172 DPL LFE Chillicothe Lifeflight Eagle (Chillicothe) FMN EMS Dispatch
462.975WZU296 RM 118.8 PL LFE KCity 2 Lifeflight Helicopter (Kansas City) [Expired 9/04] FMN EMS Dispatch
462.975 RM 156.7 PL LFE KCity 1 Lifeflight Helicopter Dispatch (KC) (was 192.8) FMN EMS Dispatch
464.925WQIP966 RM 114.8 PL LFE5 Clinton Lifeflight Eagle 5: Dispatch (Clinton Henry) [Expired 4/18] FMN EMS Dispatch