Richland County / Richland County

Subcategory: County Government

Unique DB ID: 24788

Uses analog for Auxilary Deputies for traffic control during Olney Central College graduation, 4th of July Fireworks and The Richland County Fair and other activities.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 38.71671 Longitude: -88.10004 Range: 14 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
158.790KSA941 RM 32D NAC Richland Sheriff Sheriff: Dispatch [Ch 1] [TG 1] P25 Law Dispatch
158.790KSA941 RM 179.9 PL Rich Sheriff FMN Sheriff: Dispatch - Auxiliary/Events FMN Law Tac
154.650KSA941 M Rich Shrf Tac5 Sheriff: Tactical [Ch 5] FMN Law Tac
156.195WPRJ466 RM 162.2 PL Rich Highway 1 Highway Department FMN Public Works
151.055KBT343 BM 97.4 PL Rich Highway 2 Highway Department [Expired 7/04] FMN Public Works