Macon County / Macon County

Subcategory: Sheriff / 911

Unique DB ID: 23721
Central Illinois Regional Dispatch Center (CIRDC)
See the WIKI for more info, multiple 800 MHz repeaters
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Sheriff, some fire and other county agencies, including most Decatur City Services. (as of 6/8/09) 855.4875 may be in use conventionally

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 39.86759 Longitude: -88.97553 Range: 18 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
460.025KNEF739 RM 023 DPL Macon Courthouse Sheriff: Courthouse Security FMN Corrections
460.1625KNEF739 RM 025 DPL Macon Shrf CS Sheriff / Courthouse: Security / Ops [CS] FMN Corrections
460.1875KNEF739 RM 023 DPL Macon Jail Ops 1 Sheriff: Jail - Prisoner Ops (Food) FMN Corrections
460.1375KNEF739 RM 051 DPL Macon Jail Ops 2 Sheriff: Jail - Maintenance? (Deliveries, etc) FMN Corrections
460.1875KNEF739 RM 271 DPL Macon Jail Ops 3 Sheriff: Jail - Ops FMN Corrections
154.980WRCY253 BM 97.4 PL Macon Fire Fire: Countywide Dispatch -- Rural Fire/EMS [Ch 1] FMN Fire Dispatch
153.890WRCY253 BM 123.0 PL Macon Fireground Fire: Countywide Fireground [Ch 2] FMN Fire-Tac
453.4875KNEF739 F 023 DPL Macon Fire RF MZ Fire: Remote Link (Mt Zion) (Tone Carrier) FMN Fire Dispatch
458.6625WPRX861 F 118.8 PL Macon Co RF Remote Link (Back PSAP for Piatt County 911) FMN Fire Dispatch
460.200KNEF739 F 156 DPL MaconFire RF Mac Fire: Remote Link (Macon) (Tone Carrier) FMN Fire Dispatch
465.200KNEF739 F 156 DPL Macon Fire RF Wb Fire: Remote Link (Warrensburg) (Tone Carrier) FMN Fire Dispatch