Air Medical and State EMS / Air Medical / MedEvac

Subcategory: UT LIFESTAR (Knoxville)

Unique DB ID: 22331
LifeStar 1 is based at Moore-Murrell Field in Morristown, TN (N136UT)
LifeStar 2 is based at Rockwood Municipal Airport in Rockwood, TN (N719LS)
LifeStar 3 is based at Gatlinburg-Pigeon Forge Airport in Sevierville, TN (N408UT)
LifeStar 4 is based at Campbell County Airport in Jacksboro, TN (N407UT)
LifeStar 5 is based at Pleasant Grove Road in Sweetwater, TN (N470YB)
450 MHz channels are used when 10 minutes out from UT Medical Center and all other operations will be conducted on TACN.
UT Lifestar is owned by Med-Trans Corporation, Denton, TX and run through University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville, TN.
Tennessee Advanced Communications Network (TACN)
Project 25 Phase II
Primary system for dispatch and operations.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 35.96064 Longitude: -83.92074 Range: 100 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
453.500WNNC292 RM 412 DPL UTLS Knox UT Lifestar - Cross Mtn Repeater FMN EMS Dispatch
453.500WNNC292 RM 432 DPL UTLS Chestnt UT Lifestar - Chestnut Hill Repeater FMN EMS Dispatch
453.500WNNC292 RM 423 DPL UTLS Chili UT Lifestar - Chilhowie Mtn Repeater FMN EMS Dispatch
155.925WNNC292 BM 167.9 PL UTLS 200 "200" FMN EMS Dispatch