Madison County / EMS Agencies and Hospitals

Subcategory: EMS Agencies / Air Medical

Unique DB ID: 21623
See the Hospitals page for specific hospital (non-patient report) frequencies and information.
AirEvac 156, located at Anderson Hospital Maryville, uses 151.505 100.0 PL
ARCH Helicopter, located in Granite City (ARCH1) uses 461.525 192.8 PL; also used by HSHS Rescue Flight (Rescue 1) located St Joseph's Hospital in Highland
AMR Abbott EMS Belleville, uses 467.95 210.7 PL for Emergency Call Dispatches/Backup to CAD
STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois
Project 25 Phase II
Glen Carbon, Maryville, Troy and Edwardsville EMS uses talkgroup for Patient Reports to Anderson Hospital (not encrypted) and St Clair County Hospitals MedStar EMS uses talkgroups 7252, 8910-8924 (as of 9/21)

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 38.80000 Longitude: -89.95600 Range: 22.22 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.160WNWF911 BM 173.8 PL MERCI-3 1738 Alton Memorial Hospital: Patient Reports FMN Hospital
155.160KWI679 BM 173.8 PL MERCI-3 1738 St Anthony/St Clare: Patient Reports FMN Hospital
155.160WPLW508 BM 186.2 PL MERCI3 186.2 Gateway Regional Medical Center (Granite City): Patient Reports FMN Hospital
155.160WPLW508 BM 82.5 PL MERCI-3 82.5 Gateway Regional Medical Center (Granite City): Patient Reports FMN Hospital
155.160WQXK896 B 91.5 PL MERCI-3 91.5 Anderson Hospital (Maryville) Patient Reports (Main Use) FMN Hospital
155.160WYV463 BM 94.8 PL MERCI3 94.8 St. Joseph's Hospital of Highland: Patient Reports FMN Hospital
155.340KWI679 BM 173.8 PL MERCI-1 1738 St Clare: Patient Reports FMN Hospital
155.340WQXK896 B 210.7 PL MERCI-1 2107 Anderson Hospital (Maryville) Patient Reports FMN Hospital
155.340WPMA722 BM 82.5 PL MERCI-1 82.5 Gateway Regional Medical Center (Granite City): Patient Reports FMN Hospital
155.340WYV463 B 94.8 PL MERCI1 94.8 St. Joseph's Hospital of Highland: Patient Reports FMN Hospital