Marshall County / Marshall County

Subcategory: Government

Unique DB ID: 21528

911/EMA: Paged on 154.325: FIRE: Lacon-Sparland, Varna, Toluca, Henry and Chillicothe, EMS: Lacon-Sparland Varna and Toluca
*Varna Fire and Ambulance 67.0 PL, Lacon/Sparland 179.9 PL, Toluca uses 146.2 PL for local towers. Countywide repeater is on 100.0 PL 
Note: Is is recommended to monitor 154.325 in CSQ (no tone) mode to get all traffic.
*All Marshall County EMS (ambulances) switch to 154.8 100.0 PL once the ambulance leaves the garage.
<<<< This all needs confirmed/updated with listings below and in the wiki >>>>>

Marshall County Public Safety (IL)
DMR Conventional Networked
New system for Sheriff, Rural Law, Fire/EMS (as of 3/21)

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 41.03337 Longitude: -89.36676 Range: 17 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
159.4575WPUT990 F Marsh Law Data Sheriff: Tower Data (Varna) Telm Data
460.550WPGX504 RM 103.5 PL MarshSheriffJail (OLD) Sheriff: Jail Operations [Ch 2] /Shf Countywide Alternate (Sparland) FMN Corrections
156.180KNCS266 RM 88.5 PL Marshall EMA ESDA / Sheriff Alternate (206.5 in?) FMN Emergency Ops
154.325KUE678 RM CSQ Marshall FireAll Fire/EMS: Countywide Dispatch (Monitor All) FMN Fire Dispatch
154.325KUE678 RM 100.0 PL Marshall Fire R Fire/EMS: Countywide Repeater FMN Fire Dispatch
154.800WPUT990 RM 100.0 PL Marsh Fire/EMS Fire/EMS: Response - Countywide FMN Fire Dispatch
156.180KNCS266 RM 88.5 PL MarshallHighwayA Highway Department / All Township Roads FMN Public Works
156.180KNCS266 RM 100.0 PL MarshallHighwayB Highway Department / All Township Roads FMN Public Works