Leon County / Leon County
Subcategory: Tallahassee
Unique DB ID: | 19569 |
Fire includes volunteer fire departments. Police conventional channels are used as a back-up to the trunked system.
Subcategory Location Data
Latitude: | 30.42238 | Longitude: | -84.24542 | Range: | 10 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.190 | KIJ521 | B | 162.2 PL | TFD Simulcas | Fire Main Dispatch (Simulcast of TG 81) | FM | Fire Dispatch |
855.9625 | WPBH782 | RM | 2A0 NAC | TPD Failsoft | Police Failsoft - Tactical | P25 | Law Tac |
173.2875 | WGL658 | F | SCADA | Utilities - Pumping Stations SCADA | Telm | Data | |
173.3375 | KNDA402 | F | SCADA | Utilities - Pumping Stations SCADA | Telm | Data | |
173.39625 | KNDA403 | F | SCADA | Utilities - Water Stations SCADA | Telm | Data | |
453.425 | WNMC279 | B | Paging | Paging (City Hall/Airport, low power) | FM | Data |