Kendall County / Kendall County

Subcategory: KenCom Fire

Unique DB ID: 18981

KenCom Fire is multicasting fire 1 (analog) and fire 3 (P25) together. Dept's are communicating back to Ken Com to what I assume to be in mixed-mode. Sometimes field units are RXing in P25 and sometimes they are not. The fire P25 channel is still in testing so signal quality should improve.

Fire will not be going to P25 as there is no plans for that due to the volunteer departments still relying on two-tone paging. 

Fire 3 has encryption capabilities when needed. 

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 41.58500 Longitude: -88.44000 Range: 12.88 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.5425WQNN991 RM 167.9 PL KenCom Fire 1 Fire: Dispatch [Ch 1] FMN Fire Dispatch
154.1525WQNN991 RM 162.2 PL KenCom Fire 2 Fire: Backup [Ch 2] FMN Fire Dispatch
154.4075WRHV827 RM 611 NAC KenCom Fire 3 Fire: High Risk Ops [TG 1] P25e Fire-Tac