Kay County / Amateur Radio
Subcategory: SkyWarn
Unique DB ID: | 17022 |
The Kay County Amateur Radio Club operates these repeaters that are used for severe weather comunications
Subcategory Location Data
Latitude: | 36.81000 | Longitude: | -97.12000 | Range: | 25 | Type: | Defined Coverage |
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Tone In | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
444.700 | 449.700 | W5HZZ | RM | 88.5 PL | 88.5 PL | SkyWarn 444.700 | Link to Tulsa National Weather Service | FM | Ham |
444.750 | 449.750 | K5BOX | RM | CC 1 TG 31408 SL 1 |
SkyWarn 444.750 | Link to Norman National Weater Service | DMR | Ham | |
145.310 | 144.710 | KJ5Y | RM | CSQ | Blackwell 145.31 | Blackwell Storm Spotters | FM | Ham | |
146.970 | 146.370 | W5HZZ | RM | 88.5 PL | PoncaCity 146.97 | Ponca CIty Storm Spotters | FM | Ham |