Coles County / Schools and Colleges

Subcategory: Eastern Illinois University - Charleston (EIU)

Unique DB ID: 16231
See the WIKI for additional information

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 39.47808 Longitude: -88.17679 Range: 0.7 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.1825KNAB703 RM 88.5 PL EIU Police Disp Police: Dispatch FMN Law Dispatch
151.820 M 465 DPL EIU Sec*Rebroad {Rebroadcast of} EIU Night Security Assistants 453.6 FMN Law Dispatch
158.400 F 311 DPL EIU Scrty RF Police: Simulcast of 453.9R [No License] FMN Law Dispatch
460.250KSF379 F 205 DPL EIU Link CPD {Simulcast of} Charleston Police 151.07R [] FMN Law Dispatch
453.850WQIP783 RM 465 DPL EIU Safety Safety / Tornado Sirens (to CECOM) FMN Emergency Ops
453.600KNAY657 RM 110.9 PL EIU Maintenance1 Maintenance (& Base 2: Police to Maintenance) FMN Schools
453.650KNAY657 RM EIU Maintenance2 Maintenance (Base 1 - secondary channel) FMN Schools
461.575WPLH463 M EIU Maintenance3 Maintenance Ops FMN Schools
463.575WPLH463 M EIU Maintenance4 Maintenance Ops FMN Schools
151.685WPIY501 BM EIU Fac Maint Facilities Maintenance Phone Patch (MLK Jr. Bldg) FMN Schools
452.225WQCE278 RM EIU ITS Dept ITS Department FMN Schools
464.500WPEC570 M EIU Library 1 Booth Media Library - Security/Intercoms - Teachers FMN Schools
464.550WPEC570 M EIU Library 2 Booth Media Library - Security/Intercoms - Teachers (162.2?) FMN Schools