Columbus Regional Airport Authority / Rickenbacker International Airport (LCK)

Subcategory: Airport Operations

Unique DB ID: 1551

LCK Maintenance and Airport Operations can be heard on the County trunked system. Primary law enforcement duties are the responsibility of the CRAA Police Department, with most runs outside Airport property handled by Franklin Co SO as mutual aid. Fire/EMS runs outside the AOA are handled by Hamilton and Madison Townships, with LCK ARFF as first responder. Ohio Air National Guard security personnel patrol the Air Guard cantonment.

Ohio MARCS-IP: Multi-Agency Radio Communications
Project 25 Phase I
Airport Operations and RANGB Fire/Crash use Ohio MARCS-IP for most communications.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 39.81400 Longitude: -82.93000 Range: 1.8 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
413.400Federal RM 127.3 PL 121 FIRE Fire/Crash primary FM Fire Dispatch
413.325Federal RM 97.4 PL 121 ADMIN Fire/Crash secondary/admin FM Fire-Tac
413.250Federal RM 88.5 PL 121 GRND Fire/Crash to ground control FM Military
411.2875 RM 344 NAC TSA LCK Transportation Security Administration P25 Federal
858.7125WQHG497 RM 025 DPL LCK ALT Airport maintenance/operations FM Public Works