Val Verde County / Federal

Subcategory: Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

Unique DB ID: 12749

The Del Rio Sector covers all of Val Verde County

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 29.83354 Longitude: -101.08372 Range: 35 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
165.975 RM 269 NAC CBP D2 Del Rio D2 Net - Del Rio Rept P25e Federal
164.3125 RM 275 NAC CBP D3 Del Rio D3 Net - Del Rio Rept P25e Federal
168.975 RM 277 NAC CBP D4 Juno D4 Net - Juno Rept P25e Federal
166.7875 RM 278 NAC CBP D4 Langtry D4 Net - Langtry Rept P25e Federal
171.975 RM 279 NAC CBP D4 Comstock D4 Net - Comstock Rept P25e Federal
170.675 RM 280 NAC CBP D4 Del Rio D4 Net - Del Rio Rept P25e Federal
406.625 293 NAC CBP 406.625 Surveillance P25e Federal
408.9125 293 NAC CBP 408.9125 Surveillance P25e Federal