Railroads / Union Pacific

Subcategory: Subdivisions

Unique DB ID: 12287

Maintenance Of Way Repeater Towers - Former MOPAC Lines Van Buren; Ozark; Spadra; Russellville; Plummerville; North Little Rock; Bald Knob; Hoxie; Wynne; Lexa; Pine Bluff; Gould; McGehee; El Dorado; Elliott; Chidester; Emmett; Perkins; Donaldson; Portland; Memphis; Texarkana: - Repeater Output 160.605, Repeater Input - 160.025 for all these towers. Maintenance of Way Repeater Towers - Former MOPAC Lines Homan; Gurdon; Haskell; Redfield; Gold Creek; Ward; Newport; Morton; Corning' Ebony - Repeater Output 160.755; Repeater Input 161.325 for all these towers. Maintenance of Way Repeater Towers - Former SSW Cotton Belt Lines Jonesboro; Pine Bluff; Waldo - Repeater Output 160.680; Repeater Input 161.400 for all these towers. Maintenance of Way Repeater Towers - Former SSW Cotton Belt Lines Piggott; Keevil; Fordyce; Bright Star - Repeater Output 160.800; Repeater Input 161.490 for all these towers.

Subcategory Location Data

Latitude: 34.75000 Longitude: -92.19167 Range: 188 Type: Defined Coverage


FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
160.320 BM BRNKLY RR Brinkley Subdivision - Briark Jct. to Brinkley AR. FMN Railroad
160.410 BM MCGEHEE RR McGehee Subdivision - White Bluff, AR. to Monroe, LA. FMN Railroad
160.410 BM MEMPHIS RR Memphis Subdivision - Bald Knob, AR. to Memphis TN FMN Railroad
160.470 BM WYNNE RR Wynne Subdivision - Jonesboro Jct, AR. to Wynne, AR. FMN Railroad
160.470 BM HELENA RR Helena Branch - Wynne to Helena Arkansas FMN Railroad
160.470 BM VANBUREN RR Van Buren Subdivision - N. Little Rock to Van Buren AR. FMN Railroad
160.515 BM LR RAIL ROAD Little Rock Subdivision - Little Rock, AR. to Texarkana TX. FMN Railroad
160.515 BM NASHVILLE RR Nashville Subdivision - Hope, AR. to Perkins, AR. FMN Railroad
160.575 BM UP HandHeld At Scene of derailment FMN Railroad
160.605 RM RR MAINT 3 Maintenance FMN Railroad
160.680 RM RR MAINT 1 Maintenance FMN Railroad
160.755 RM RR MAINT 2 Maintenance FMN Railroad
160.800 RM RR MAINT 4 Maintenance FMN Railroad
160.875 BM HOXIE RR Hoxie Subdivision - Little Rock, AR to Poplar Bluff Mo. FMN Railroad
160.935 BM WHT BLFF RR White Bluff Subdivision - N. Little Rock to White Bluff, AR. FMN Railroad
160.995 BM JONESBRO AR Jonesboro Subdivision - Brinkley, AR to Jonesboro / Dexter Jct FMN Railroad
161.340 BM SHRVPRT RR Shreveport Subdivision - Lewisville, AR. to Shreveport, LA. FMN Railroad
161.460 BM LR Sub Tx-Lv Little Rock Subdivision - Texarkana, AR to Longview,TX FMN Railroad
161.550 BM PINE BLUF RR Pine Bluff Subdivision - Big Sandy, TX. to Pine Bluff AR. FMN Railroad
161.550 BM JONESBRO MO-AR Jonesboro Subdivision - Dexter Jct. MO to Pine Bluff, AR. FMN Railroad
161.550 BM ELDORADO RR El Dorado Subdivision - Camden Ar. to El Dorado Arkansas FMN Railroad