This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site Number: | Decimal: 102 / Hex: 66 | Description: | Auckland South |
Unique DB ID: | 5639 |
County Location: | Statewide |
Neighbors: | N/A |
Location: | N/A |
Modulation: | N/A |
Notes: | N/A |
FCC Callsigns: | N/A |
Updated: | 2017-06-13 |
Site Frequencies
380.000 | 380.050 | 380.250 | 380.350 | 380.500 | 380.550 |
380.650 | 380.700 | 380.800 | 380.850 | 381.900 | 382.050 |
382.500c |