Los Alamos National Lab (New)

Site: Primary
Site Number: Decimal: 001 / Hex: 1
Description: Primary
Unique DB ID:5132
County Location: N/A
Neighbors: N/A
Location: N/A
Modulation: N/A
Notes: When using Erunker, this site shows up system 0003 which is the same as one of the APD systems in Albuquerque. As such, both systems will log info to the same 0003sys.txt file in Etrunker.
FCC Callsigns:N/A

Site Frequencies

01 406.112502 406.187503 406.55004 406.7875c05 406.987506 407.400c
07 407.8125c08 407.8625c09 407.9875c10 408.125c11 408.1875c12 408.5875c
13 409.27514 409.587515 409.7875

Site Location Data

Latitude: 35.8778 Longitude: -106.2923 Range: 10 Type: Inherited (System)