This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site Number: | Decimal: 023 / Hex: 17 | Description: | Sandia Crest |
Unique DB ID: | 33074 |
RAN: | 23 |
County Location: | Bernalillo |
Neighbors: | 24 |
Location: | Sandia Crest |
Modulation: | N/A |
Notes: | N/A |
FCC Callsigns: | WPHB885 |
Updated: | 2018-09-12 |
Site Frequency Table
CH ID | Frequency |
472 | 856.8875 |
552 | 857.8875 |
632 | 858.8875 |
712 | 859.8875c |
792 | 860.8875 |
Site Location Data
Latitude: | 35.2129 | Longitude: | -106.4500 | Range: | 30 | Type: | Defined Coverage |