This system is deprecated, and may no longer be in use or is superseded by another system.
Site Number: | Decimal: 001 / Hex: 1 | Description: | Roy Road |
Unique DB ID: | 22631 |
RAN: | (* Any) |
County Location: | Montgomery |
Neighbors: | N/A |
Location: | 110 Roy Road |
Modulation: | NXDN Digital |
Notes: | N/A |
FCC Callsigns: | WPSG835 |
Updated: | 2013-11-20 |
Site Frequency Table
CH ID | Frequency |
0 | 453.1625 |
0 | 453.2625 |
0 | 453.30938 |
0 | 453.3125 |
0 | 453.31563 |
0 | 453.33438 |
0 | 453.3375 |
0 | 453.34063 |
0 | 453.53438 |
0 | 453.5375 |
0 | 453.54063 |
0 | 453.5625 |
0 | 460.03438 |
0 | 460.0375 |
0 | 460.04063 |
0 | 460.0875 |
0 | 460.13438 |
0 | 460.1375 |
0 | 460.14063 |
0 | 460.30938 |
0 | 460.3125 |
0 | 460.31563 |
Site Location Data
Latitude: | 36.4525 | Longitude: | -87.3711 | Range: | 17 | Type: | Defined Coverage |