Kansas Statewide Interoperable Communication System (KSICS)

Talkgroup Categories Report
Category Name County Lat Lon Range
Highway Patrol - Troop A Olathe 38.95-94.8542
Highway Patrol - Troop B Topeka 39.35-95.7255
Highway Patrol - Troop C Salina 39.1-97.3590
Highway Patrol - Troop H Chanute 37.82-95.5775
Highway Patrol - Troop F Wichita 37.8-97.890
Highway Patrol - Troop G Turnpike 38.5-96.6110
State Fire Marshal 38.37-98.42225
Kansas Bureau of Investigation 38.37-98.42225
Alcoholic Beverage Control 38.37-98.42225
Kansas Turnpike Authority 38-96.1100
KDOT District 1 Topeka 39.16-95.7980
KDOT District 2 Salina 39-97.587
KDOT District 4 Chanute 37.7-95.5570
KDOT District 5 Wichita 37.85-98.05100
Medical Helicopters 38.45-98.45225
KSICS Technicians 38.45-98.45225
Neosho CountyNeosho 37.56-95.3120
Highway Patrol - Troop K Capitol Police 39.05-95.6820
Army National Guard 38.37-98.42225
Highway Patrol - Troop E Garden City 37.83-100.52100
Wildlife and Parks 38.45-98.45225
Division of Emergency Management 38.37-98.42225
Statewide Incident Command 38.37-98.4225
Wabaunsee CountyWabaunsee 38.95-96.1820
Pottawatomie CountyPottawatomie 39.35-96.3422
Statewide Interoperability  38.37-98.42225
Brown CountyBrown 39.83-95.5618
Douglas CountyDouglas 38.9-95.2817
Finney CountyFinney 38.03-100.730
Garden CityFinney 37.97-100.874
OnagaPottawatomie 39.49-96.177
Coffey CountyCoffey 38.24-95.7420
Coffey County SheriffCoffey 38.24-95.7420
Crawford County SheriffCrawford 37.51-94.8520
PittsburgCrawford 37.41-94.695
Crawford CountyCrawford 37.51-94.8520
FrontenacCrawford 37.45-94.73
Franklin CountyFranklin 38.56-95.2818
Labette CountyLabette 37.2-95.2925
Major Emergency Response Group 38.37-98.42225
Butler CountyButler 37.78-96.8428
Leavenworth County SheriffLeavenworth 39.18-95.0120
Leavenworth CountyLeavenworth 39.18-95.0120
TonganoxieLeavenworth 39.11-95.0955
LansingLeavenworth 39.25-94.93
BasehorLeavenworth 39.14-94.943
Reno CountyReno 37.95-98.0825
Lincoln CountyLincoln 39.05-98.2120
Riley CountyRiley 39.3-96.6825
Osage CountyOsage 38.65-95.7320
Air National Guard 38.37-98.42225
Jackson CountyJackson 39.44-95.7925
HolcombFinney 37.985-100.993
Russell CountyRussell 38.92-98.7622
HutchinsonReno 38.07-97.946
Kansas State UniversityRiley 39.2-96.592
Tribal Police 38.37-98.42225
Saline CountySaline 38.78-97.6520
Kingman CountyKingman 37.56-98.1422
RussellRussell 38.89-98.864
Montgomery CountyMontgomery 37.2-95.7420
Bel AireSedgwick 37.76-97.2653
Sumner CountySumner 37.24-97.4725
Pratt CountyPratt 37.65-98.7420
Other State Agencies 38.37-98.42225
Shawnee CountyShawnee 39.03-95.7820
WamegoPottawatomie 39.2-96.315
Attorney General 38.37-98.42225
Highway Patrol - Troop D Hays 39.37-100.27105
Trego CountyTrego 38.91-99.8722
WakeeneyTrego 39.03-99.883
El DoradoButler 37.82-96.865
AndoverButler 37.72-97.144
AugustaButler 37.69-96.983
Butler County FireButler 37.78-96.8428
Rose HillButler 37.565-97.133
LeonButler 37.69-96.783
KDOT District 6 Garden City 37.85-100.890
IndependenceMontgomery 37.23-95.724
Sedgwick CountySedgwick 37.69-97.4823
Joint Terrorism Task Force 38.37-98.42225
Gray CountyGray 37.74-100.4322
Scott CountyScott 38.48-100.920
Hamilton CountyHamilton 37.99-101.7824
Haskell CountyHaskell 37.56-100.8718
Miami CountyMiami 38.56-94.8518
Anderson CountyAnderson 38.21-95.2918
Data 38.45-98.45225
Law Enforcement Training CenterReno 37.93-97.92
KDOT District 3 Norton 39.33-100.27105
Graham CountyGraham 39.35-99.8822
Gove CountyGove 38.92-100.4825
Thomas CountyThomas 39.35-101.0525
Dickinson CountyDickinson 38.87-97.1622
Juvenile Correctional ComplexShawnee 39.095-95.682
Health and Environment 38.37-98.42225
ParsonsLabette 37.34-95.274
GirardCrawford 37.51-94.843
BentonButler 37.79-97.113
CassodayButler 38.04-96.645
DouglassButler 37.52-97.015
PotwinButler 37.94-97.025
TowandaButler 37.8-975
WhitewaterButler 37.96-97.155
South HutchinsonReno 38.02-97.944
Reno County SheriffReno 37.95-98.0825
Lane CountyLane 38.49-100.4720
TopekaShawnee 39.05-95.687
RossvilleShawnee 39.135-95.952
Rooks CountyRooks 39.36-99.3222
LeavenworthLeavenworth 39.31-94.937
St MarysPottawatomie 39.2-96.075
Osborne CountyOsborne 39.36-98.7822
Chase CountyChase 38.3-96.620
Wilson County Wilson 37.56-95.7417
Clay CountyClay 39.35-97.1619
Rawlins CountyRawlins 39.78-10125
Sherman CountySherman 39.34-101.7225
Sheridan CountySheridan 39.35-100.4325
Smith CountySmith 39.79-98.7822
Johnson CountyJohnson 38.9-94.820
Rush CountyRush 38.53-99.3120
Phillips CountyPhillips 39.35-99.3222
Ellsworth County Ellsworth 38.695-98.20520
Clark County Clark 37.23-99.8323
Norton CountyNorton 39.78-99.922
Jefferson CountyJefferson 39.24-95.3720
Ness CountyNess 38.49-99.925
Doniphan CountyDoniphan 39.83-95.1517
Cheyenne CountyCheyenne 39.79-101.7323
St FrancisCheyenne 39.77-101.83
Bird CityCheyenne 39.75-101.5353
Ellis CountyEllis 38.91-99.3222
HaysEllis 38.88-99.335
Hodgeman CountyHodgeman 38.09-99.8922
Mitchell CountyMitchell 39.39-98.2120
Nemaha CountyNemaha 39.785-96.0220
Seward CountySeward 37.19-100.8520
Cherokee CountyCherokee 37.17-94.8420
Barton CountyBarton 38.48-98.7522
Wichita CountyWichita 38.48-101.3520
Wallace CountyWallace 38.92-101.7722
Logan CountyLogan 38.92-101.1525
University of KansasDouglas 38.955-95.252
Douglas County TownshipsDouglas 38.9-95.2817
Marshall CountyMarshall 39.79-96.5223
Kearny CountyJohnson 38-101.3222
Greeley CountyGreeley 38.47-101.822
Decatur CountyDecatur 39.79-100.4623
Harvey CountyHarvey 38.04-97.4318
NewtonHarvey 38.06-97.3353
Linn CountyLinn 38.21-94.8520
GoodlandSherman 39.34-101.725
Atchison CountyAtchison 39.5-95.318
Morris CountyMorris 38.67-96.6520
Prairie Band Pottawatomie NationJackson 39.43-95.7920
Newton Public SchoolsHarvey 38.05-97.3455
AtchisonAtchison 39.56-95.134
Butler County Law EnforcementButler 37.78-96.8428
Butler County Public WorksButler 37.78-96.8428
Clay CenterClay 39.38-97.1252
ArmaCrawford 37.54-94.73
Douglas County Law EnforcementDouglas 38.9-95.2817
Douglas County FireDouglas 38.9-95.2817
LawrenceDouglas 38.97-95.266
EudoraDouglas 38.94-95.12
LecomptonDouglas 39.04-95.395
Baldwin CityDouglas 38.78-95.193
Clarion SpringsDouglas 38.82-95.377
EllisEllis 38.935-99.562
SubletteHaskell 37.48-100.852
SatantaHaskell 37.44-100.992
Scott CityScott 38.48-100.914
ColbyThomas 39.39-101.056
Allen CountyAllen 37.89-95.317
Ford CountyFord 37.69-99.925
Dodge CityFord 37.76-100.0174
Morton CountyMorton 37.19-101.820
Louisville TownshipPottawatomie 39.26-96.325
Marion CountyMarion 38.37-97.0825
WestmorelandPottawatomie 39.39-96.414
Butler County EMSButler 37.78-96.8428
OttawaFranklin 38.61-95.275
NeodeshaWilson 37.42-95.683
Washington CountyWashington 39.79-97.0922
Pawnee CountyPawnee 38.17-99.2522
HoisingtonBarton 38.52-98.782
McPherson CountyMcPherson 38.39-97.6522
PaolaMiami 38.57-94.884
LouisburgMiami 38.62-94.6753
OsawatomieMiami 38.5-94.953
FontanaMiami 38.425-94.844
Stafford CountyStafford 38.03-98.7421
Lyon CountyLyon 38.45-96.1623
Rice CountyRice 38.345-98.220
Harper CountyHarper 37.19-98.0820
Comanche CountyComanche 37.19-99.2720
SabethaNemaha 39.9-95.82
SenecaNemaha 39.835-96.0652
Edwards CountyEdwards 37.9-99.320
Kiowa CountyKiowa 37.55-99.2820
Grant CountyGrant 37.56-101.3117
Barber CountyBarber 37.25-98.6625
National Weather ServiceStatewide 38.37-98.42225
Great Bend Schools USD 428Barton 38.36-98.7610
SalinaSaline 38.82-97.6155
Elk CountyElk 37.45-96.2520
LiberalSeward 36.99323-100.910975
Meade CountyMeade 37.23-100.3725
Geary CountyGeary 39.02-96.7718
Woodson CountyWoodson 37.885-95.7416
Bourbon CountyBourbon 37.85-94.8520
HoltonJackson 39.46-95.7452
CoffeyvilleMontgomery 37.04-95.625
Pottawatomie County SheriffPottawatomie 39.35-96.3422
LyndonOsage 38.65-95.7320
Osage CityOsage 38.65-95.7320
CarbondaleOsage 38.65-95.7320
OverbrookOsage 38.65-95.7320
ScrantonOsage 38.65-95.7320
BurlingameOsage 38.65-95.7320
QuenemoOsage 38.65-95.7320
MelvernOsage 38.65-95.7320
OberlinAllen 39.82-100.533
Junction CityGeary 39.02-96.7718
Civil Air Patrol - Kansas WingStatewide 000
Ottawa CountyOttawa 39.13-97.6520
Greenwood CountyGreenwood 000
HoytJackson 000