Updated General Trunked System Information | KD4YGG | 2014-08-02 22:50:46 |
Changed Site # 197 (Huntington - UNconfirmed LCNs) to 1 (Huntington) | KD4YGG | 2014-08-02 18:01:28 |
General text description deleted | mtindor | 2010-01-09 00:25:00 |
General text description updated | mtindor | 2010-01-09 00:23:43 |
Deleted news entry ID=5243 | mtindor | 2010-01-09 00:22:33 |
General text description deleted | mtindor | 2010-01-09 00:22:08 |
Default Location Data Updated to 38.43592 / -82.34764 / 15 | mtindor | 2009-12-30 04:07:05 |
Updated General Trunked System Information | mtindor | 2009-12-30 04:05:39 |
Deleted Site # 199 (Kopperston - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-12-30 04:05:04 |
Deleted Site # 198 (Clendinin - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-12-30 04:04:59 |
Added a new news entry | mtindor | 2009-12-30 04:04:07 |
General text description updated | mtindor | 2009-12-30 04:01:21 |
Updated General Trunked System Information | mtindor | 2009-11-17 22:39:18 |
Changed Site # 103 (Huntington - UNconfirmed LCNs) to 197 (Huntington - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-17 22:38:58 |
Deleted Site # 002 (Cross Lanes) | mtindor | 2009-11-17 22:38:41 |
Deleted Talkgroup Category: Cross Lanes Talkgroups | mtindor | 2009-11-17 22:38:30 |
Deleted Site # 001 (Malden) | mtindor | 2009-11-17 22:26:00 |
Deleted Talkgroup Category: Malden Talkgroups | mtindor | 2009-11-17 22:25:50 |
Updated Talkgroups (1 Updated, 0 Deleted) | mtindor | 2009-11-17 04:12:37 |
Updated Talkgroups (1 Updated, 0 Deleted) | mtindor | 2009-11-17 04:12:06 |
Added Talkgroup 9010 Arrow Concrete | mtindor | 2009-11-17 04:09:19 |
Changed Talkgroup Category assignments for 1 talkgroups | mtindor | 2009-11-17 03:58:35 |
Changed Site # 001 (Malden) to 001 (Malden) | mtindor | 2009-11-15 05:59:35 |
Changed Talkgroup Category assignments for 1 talkgroups | mtindor | 2009-11-15 05:21:23 |
Deleted Site # 102 (Cross Lanes - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-15 05:10:58 |
Changed Site # 002 (Cross Lanes) to 002 (Cross Lanes) | mtindor | 2009-11-15 05:10:50 |
Changed Site # 002 (Cross Lanes - Confirmed LCNs) to 002 (Cross Lanes) | mtindor | 2009-11-15 04:46:22 |
Changed Site # 102 (Cross Lanes - UNconfirmed LCNs) to 102 (Cross Lanes - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-15 04:45:48 |
Changed Site # 002 (Cross Lanes - Confirmed LCNs) to 002 (Cross Lanes - Confirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-15 04:45:18 |
Changed Site # 109 (Cross Lanes - UNconfirmed LCNs) to 102 (Cross Lanes - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 07:22:05 |
Changed Site # 102 (Huntington - UNconfirmed LCNs) to 103 (Huntington - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 07:21:55 |
Changed Site # 009 (Cross Lanes - Confirmed LCNs) to 002 (Cross Lanes - Confirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 07:21:38 |
Changed Site # 104 (Cross Lanes - UNconfirmed LCNs) to 109 (Cross Lanes - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 07:20:34 |
Changed Site # 004 (Cross Lanes - Confirmed LCNs) to 009 (Cross Lanes - Confirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 07:20:25 |
Changed Site # 105 (Kopperston - UNconfirmed LCNs) to 199 (Kopperston - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 07:19:25 |
Changed Site # 199 (Clendinin - UNconfirmed LCNs) to 198 (Clendinin - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 07:19:16 |
Changed Site # 103 (Clendinin - UNconfirmed LCNs) to 199 (Clendinin - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 07:19:00 |
Changed Site # 001 (Cross Lanes - Confirmed LCNs) to 004 (Cross Lanes - Confirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 07:13:33 |
Changed Site # 104 (Cross Lanes - UNconfirmed LCNs) to 104 (Cross Lanes - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 07:12:57 |
Updated Talkgroups (1 Updated, 0 Deleted) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 07:11:42 |
Added Site # 1 (Cross Lanes - Confirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 07:09:54 |
Changed Site # 001 (Malden - Confirmed LCNs) to 001 (Malden) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 07:00:35 |
Deleted Site # 101 (Malden - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 07:00:12 |
Changed Site # 001 (Malden - Confirmed LCNs) to 001 (Malden - Confirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 06:59:52 |
Changed Talkgroup Category assignments for 2 talkgroups | mtindor | 2009-11-14 06:46:53 |
Added Talkgroup Category: Cross Lanes Talkgroups | mtindor | 2009-11-14 06:46:13 |
Changed Site # 101 (Malden - UNconfirmed LCNs) to 101 (Malden - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 06:44:27 |
Changed Site # 001 (Malden - Confirmed LCNs) to 001 (Malden - Confirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 06:43:29 |
Updated Talkgroups (1 Updated, 0 Deleted) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 06:04:24 |
General text description updated | mtindor | 2009-11-14 05:16:44 |
General text description updated | mtindor | 2009-11-14 05:15:49 |
Changed Site # 002 (Huntington - UNconfirmed LCNs) to 102 (Huntington - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 05:13:23 |
Changed Site # 002 (Huntington) to 002 (Huntington - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 05:12:49 |
Changed Site # 003 (Clendinin) to 103 (Clendinin - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 05:12:00 |
Changed Site # 005 (Kopperston) to 105 (Kopperston - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 05:10:51 |
Changed Site # 004 (Cross Lanes) to 104 (Cross Lanes - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 05:09:33 |
Changed Site # 001 (Malden - Confirmed LCNs) to 001 (Malden - Confirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 05:07:55 |
Updated Talkgroups (4 Updated, 0 Deleted) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 05:06:52 |
Added Talkgroup 009040 Kan Vall SS | mtindor | 2009-11-14 04:58:50 |
Added Talkgroup 009030 Kan Vall SS | mtindor | 2009-11-14 04:58:35 |
Added Talkgroup 009010 Medical Services | mtindor | 2009-11-14 04:58:10 |
Added Talkgroup 009010 Arrow Concrete | mtindor | 2009-11-14 04:57:39 |
Added Talkgroup 005090 CNNTLN MINE SEC | mtindor | 2009-11-14 04:56:54 |
Added Talkgroup 005035 Abbotts Wrecker | mtindor | 2009-11-14 04:55:56 |
Added Talkgroup 005030 Chas Auto Wrecker | mtindor | 2009-11-14 04:47:00 |
Added Talkgroup 005016 Unknown Mine Security | mtindor | 2009-11-14 04:46:15 |
Added Talkgroup 005010 Cabot Gas Co | mtindor | 2009-11-14 04:45:43 |
Added Talkgroup 005005 American Towing | mtindor | 2009-11-14 04:44:38 |
Added Talkgroup Category: Malden Talkgroups | mtindor | 2009-11-14 04:43:46 |
Added Site # 101 (Malden - UNconfirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 04:42:35 |
Changed Site # 001 (Malden) to 001 (Malden - Confirmed LCNs) | mtindor | 2009-11-14 04:41:52 |
Changed a system text block | wa8pyr | 2003-09-05 11:13:40 |
Updated General System Info | kd4ygg | 2002-10-06 21:34:41 |