Utah Communications Authority (P25)

Talkgroup Categories Report
Category Name County Lat Lon Range
System Testing 39.5-111.5220
Cache CountyCache 000
Grand CountyGrand 38.4-110.4100
Utah Air Medical 000
Department of Corrections 39.5-111.5220
Utah Hospitals 000
Carbon CountyCarbon 000
Emery CountyEmery 000
Wayne CountyWayne 000
San Juan CountySan Juan 37.66-110.03875
Sevier CountySevier 000
Sanpete CountySanpete 000
Utah Highway Patrol 39.5-111.5220
Garfield CountyGarfield 000
Department of Transportation 39.5-111.5220
Washington CountyWashington 000
Iron CountyIron 000
Kane CountyKane 000
Duchesne CountyDuchesne 000
Tooele CountyTooele 000
Uintah CountyUintah 000
Box Elder CountyBox Elder 000
Gold Cross Ambulance 000
Interoperability 39.5-111.5220
Beaver CountyBeaver 000
Millard CountyMillard 000
Rich CountyRich 000
Utah CountyUtah 000
Salt Lake CountySalt Lake 000
Summit CountySummit 000
Wasatch CountyWasatch 000
Weber CountyWeber 000
Emergency Management 39.5-111.5220
Davis CountyDavis 000
Rich CountyRich 000
Morgan CountyMorgan 000
Salt Lake International AirportSalt Lake 000
Utah Transit Authority 000
Piute CountyPiute 000
Department of Natural Resources 000
Utah State Misc 000
Federal 000
Division of Facility Construction & Management 000