Land Mobile Radio Network (South Zone)

Talkgroup Categories Report
Category Name County Lat Lon Range
Bell Mobility Radio 42.14711-82.7517721.49
Guelph Emergency ServicesWellington 43.71554-80.3237930
MTO Maintenance - West PatrolsMiddlesex 43.78696-81.12305160
MTO Maintenance - Central PatrolsYork 43.78696-81.12305160
MOH Windsor CACC Essex 42.14711-82.7517721.49
MOH Wallaceburg CACCLambton 000
MOH London CACCMiddlesex 43.10499-81.2548840
Ministry of Finance 43.78696-81.12305160
MOH Cambridge CACCWaterloo 43.85548-80.3292425
MOH Hamilton CACCHamilton 43.26328-79.8604825
MOH Niagara CACCNiagara 43.03678-79.4970733.06
Ontario Central Hospitals PatchYork 43.78696-81.12305160
Waterloo EMS StationsWaterloo 43.78696-81.12305160
MOH Mississauga CACCPeel 43.747-79.7431
MOH Georgian CACCSimcoe 44.59047-79.8925830
MOH Toronto CACCToronto 43.68709-79.4514415
MOH Oshawa CACCDurham 000
OPP West RegionBrant 43.13907-80.2963313.55
OPP Central RegionDufferin 44.15068-80.1562530
OPP Highway Safety DivisionToronto 43.68709-79.4514415
Interagency 43.78696-81.12305160
OPP Wide Area 43.78696-81.12305160
OPP Intelligence 000
OPP Tactical 45.42601-80.23273300
Criminal Intelligence Service Ontario 000
Ministry of Natural Resources 43.78696-81.12305160
MTO Enforcement 43.78696-81.12305160
Brantford-Brant Paramedic StationsBrant 43.13907-80.2963313.55
Haldimand-Norfolk Paramedic StationsHaldimand 43.03075-79.8925816.46
Perth County EMS StationsPerth 43.37311-80.9857222.86
Peel Regional Paramedic StationsPeel 43.747-79.7431
Niagara Region EMS StationsNiagara 43.03678-79.4970733.06
Region of Durham Paramedic StationsDurham 44.17459-78.8396330
Lambton EMS StationsLambton 42.70464-82.0788640.42
Chatham-Kent EMS StationsChatham-Kent 42.4721-82.2216825.13
Essex-Windsor EMS StationsEssex 42.14711-82.7517721.49
Hamilton Paramedic StationsHamilton 43.26328-79.8604825
York Region Paramedic StationsYork 43.94933-79.4421420
Simcoe County StationsSimcoe 44.59047-79.8925830
Ontario East Hospitals PatchesDurham 44.17459-78.8396330
Ontario West Hospitals PatchMiddlesex 43.13907-80.29633100
Transfers into Toronto HospitalsToronto 43.68709-79.4514415
MOH Lindsay CACCKawartha Lakes 44.38277-78.7829625
Kawartha Lakes Paramedic StationsKawartha Lakes 000
MOH Kingston CACCFrontenac 43.78696-81.12305160
Frontenac Paramedic StationsFrontenac 000
MOH Muskoka CACCMuskoka District 43.78696-81.12305160
Muskoka Paramedic StationsMuskoka District 000
MOH Parry SoundParry Sound District 000
Parry Sound Paramedic StationsParry Sound District 000
MOH Renfrew CACCRenfrew 000
Renfrew Paramedic StationsRenfrew 000
MOH Ottawa CACCOttawa 000
Ottawa Paramedic StationsOttawa 000
OPP East RegionRenfrew 000
MTO Maintenance - East PatrolsFrontenac 000
Guelph-Wellington Paramedic ServiceWellington 43.71554-80.3237930
Ornge 43.68709-79.4514415
OPP DetachmentsToronto 43.68709-79.4514415
Halton Region Paramedic StationsHalton 43.46887-79.9667418.4
Ministry of Corrections and Community Safety 000
MOH Common 000
Middlesex-London EMS Base StationsMiddlesex 43-81.3548823
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs 45.42601-80.23273300
Office of Fire Marshal 000
Hastings Quinte Paramedic ServicesKawartha Lakes 000