Walt Disney Studios (Burbank / Glendale)

Changes and Updates
Last 100 Changes
Changed Admin Date
Added Talkgroup 7 Crisis Management 2 (Fire/EMS Tac)(Walt Disney Studios)LAflyer2018-08-25 04:04:27
Added Talkgroup 6 Crisis Management 1 (Fire/EMS Dispatch)(Walt Disney Studios)LAflyer2018-08-25 04:03:56
Updated General Trunked System InformationLAflyer2018-08-24 03:38:02
Updated General Trunked System InformationLAflyer2018-08-24 03:37:43
Added Talkgroup 4 Glendale Security(Walt Disney Studios)LAflyer2018-08-11 16:38:48
Added Talkgroup 2 Burbank Security(Walt Disney Studios)LAflyer2018-08-11 16:38:28
Changed Talkgroup Category: Walt Disney Studios to Walt Disney Studios(Walt Disney Studios)LAflyer2018-08-11 16:37:57
Added Talkgroup Category: Walt Disney StudiosLAflyer2018-08-11 16:37:51
Added Site # 1 (Confirmed LCNs)LAflyer2018-08-11 16:37:40
Updated General Trunked System InformationLAflyer2018-08-11 16:35:22