FCC Callsign: WSAF669 (WEC Business Services, LLC)

Licensee: WEC Business Services, LLC
Callsign: WSAF669
FRN: 0032252751
Status: Active (Effective: 01/12/2024 - Expires: 01/12/2034)
State: WI
Radio Service: YG: Industrial/Business Pool, Trunked
Notes: Power Company will use radios for control and safety


# TWR ID Type Antenna
Elevation Address
1 1315814 LTOWER 79.2 85.3 555.0 576 TOWER ROAD
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 1034909 LTOWER 60.9 67.0 585.2 LOOKOUT MTN 1 MI W OF HWY B
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 1307544 LTOWER 80.8 86.9 537.7 N6536 IRMA TOWERS ROAD
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
7 1311388 LTOWER 79.2 85.3 483.7 2027 NAVAJO STREET
8 0.0 0.0 0.0
9 1299863 LTOWER 54.9 60.7 508.4 6863 Winkler Road
10 0.0 0.0 0.0


Loc Frequency Emission Class Units ERP Lat Lon City County State
1 451.12500000 7K60FXW FB8 1 299.400 45.57244 -88.88356 CRANDON FOREST WI
1 451.95000000 7K60FXW FB8 1 299.400 45.57244 -88.88356 CRANDON FOREST WI
2 456.12500000 7K60FXW MO8 100 31.000 45.57244 -88.88356
2 456.95000000 7K60FXW MO8 100 31.000 45.57244 -88.88356
3 451.20000000 7K60FXW FB8 1 310.000 45.40083 -89.48194 GLEASON LINCOLN WI
3 451.68750000 7K60FXW FB8 1 310.000 45.40083 -89.48194 GLEASON LINCOLN WI
4 456.20000000 7K60FXW MO8 100 31.000 45.40083 -89.48194
4 456.68750000 7K60FXW MO8 100 31.000 45.40083 -89.48194
5 451.16250000 7K60FXW FB8 1 296.500 45.35317 -89.65683 IRMA LINCOLN WI
5 452.15000000 7K60FXW FB8 1 296.500 45.35317 -89.65683 IRMA LINCOLN WI
6 456.16250000 7K60FXW MO8 100 31.000 45.35317 -89.65683
6 457.15000000 7K60FXW MO8 100 31.000 45.35317 -89.65683
7 451.06250000 7K60FXW FB8 1 299.400 45.65042 -89.38081 RHINELANDER ONEIDA WI
7 451.36250000 7K60FXW FB8 1 299.400 45.65042 -89.38081 RHINELANDER ONEIDA WI
8 456.06250000 7K60FXW MO8 100 31.000 45.65042 -89.38081
8 456.36250000 7K60FXW MO8 100 31.000 45.65042 -89.38081
9 451.21250000 7K60FXW FB8 1 350.500 45.79056 -89.16331 Three Lakes ONEIDA WI
9 451.52500000 7K60FXW FB8 1 350.500 45.79056 -89.16331 Three Lakes ONEIDA WI
10 456.21250000 7K60FXW MO8 100 31.000 45.79056 -89.16331
10 456.52500000 7K60FXW MO8 100 31.000 45.79056 -89.16331
FCC Data Last Updated On: 2025-02-06 12:03:14 CT