146.61000 | 146.01000 | 023 DPL | 023 DPL | N5SEA | Crossett | Ashley |
146.64000 | 146.04000 | 023 DPL | 023 DPL | N5SEA | Hamburg School Repeater (uncoord) | Ashley |
146.64000 | 146.04000 | | | N5SEA | Hamburg School Repeater (uncoord) | Ashley |
444.97500 | 449.97500 | 023 DPL | 023 DPL | N5SEA | West Crossett | Ashley |
444.97500 | 449.97500 | | | N5SEA | West Crossett | Ashley |
146.88000 | 146.28000 | 103.5 PL | | K5OZK | Ozark Amateur Radio Club, Mountain Home | Baxter |
147.07500 | 147.67500 | CSQ | | KC5RBO | Ozark Amateur Radio Club, Mountain Home | Baxter |
443.22500 | 448.22500 | 114.8 PL | | | Clarkridge Amateur Radio - Linked into the state wide CAUHF Allstar link | Baxter |
145.29000 | 144.69000 | 110.9 PL | 110.9 PL | KB5BBI | Benton County, Centerton Area | Benton |
147.04500 | 0.00000 | 110.9 PL | 110.9 PL | | Bentonville Wx | Benton |
147.25500 | 147.85500 | 110.9 PL | 110.9 PL | AB5UI | Bella Vista | Benton |
442.85000 | 447.85000 | 123.0 PL | 123.0 PL | WX5TUL | NWS Tulsa UHF wide-area net | Benton |
443.52500 | 448.52500 | 97.4 PL | 97.4 PL | WX5SLG | Siloam Springs EOC | Benton |
444.27500 | 0.00000 | 114.8 PL | 114.8 PL | | Hindsville Wx | Benton |
147.00000 | 146.40000 | 123.0 PL | | | Area SKYWARN | Boone |
147.00000 | 147.60000 | 103.5 PL | | | Skywarn: Wide Area Net | Boone |
224.56000 | 0.00000 | | | KF0PB | Top of the World Estates (Harrison) | Boone |
442.17500 | 447.17500 | 123.0 PL | | AJ5C | Boone County [IRLP NODE 4311] | Boone |
442.90000 | 447.90000 | | | N5NBJ | Skywarn: DMR | Boone |
444.80000 | 449.80000 | 103.5 PL | 103.5 PL | N5NBJ | Wide range - on Gaither Mountain | Boone |
145.11000 | 0.00000 | 88.5 PL | | KD5ARC | DeGray Amateur Radio Club: DeGray Lake Repeater | Clark |
145.37000 | 0.00000 | 88.5 PL | | KD5ARC | DeGray Amateur Radio Club: Okolona Repeater | Clark |
147.22500 | 0.00000 | 114.8 PL | | KD5ARC | DeGray Amateur Radio Club: Alpine Repeater | Clark |
444.87500 | 0.00000 | 114.8 PL | | KB5ILY | KB5ILY Repeater Arkadelphia | Clark |
444.95000 | 0.00000 | 114.8 PL | | KD5ARC | DeGray Amateur Radio Club: Arkadelphia Repeater (440) | Clark |
145.33000 | 144.73000 | 114.8 PL | 114.8 PL | N5AHP | N5AHP Repeater, Morrilton *Part of the N5CG Linked Repeater Network* | Conway |
145.45000 | 144.85000 | | | AC5RU | AC5RU Repeater, Jerusalem | Conway |
146.61000 | 146.01000 | 107.2 PL | 107.2 PL | W5JBR | Jonesboro Amateur Radio Club | Craighead |
147.16500 | 147.76500 | | | N5MOT | Skywarn - Primary | Craighead |
443.15000 | 448.15000 | 107.2 PL | 107.2 PL | K5NEA | Northeast Arkansas Radio Club Jonesboro | Craighead |
443.57500 | 448.57500 | 100.0 PL | | KE5HKW | Craighead Co Courthouse Annex Jonesboro | Craighead |
444.15000 | 449.15000 | 94.8 PL | 94.8 PL | KF5OTW | KIYS-FM Tower Jonesboro | Craighead |
145.19000 | 0.00000 | 114.8 PL | | | Franklin County ARES, Boston Mtns | Crawford |
147.16500 | 0.00000 | 123.0 PL | | KD5ZMO | KD5ZMO, Rudy Area | Crawford |
147.15000 | 147.75000 | 103.5 PL | 103.5 PL | AB5BC | General Use | Crittenden |
442.15000 | 447.15000 | 107.2 PL | 107.2 PL | N5ALN | Crawfordsville UHF | Crittenden |
146.83500 | 146.23500 | 023 DPL | | N5SEA | Monticello | Drew |
146.83500 | 146.23500 | | | N5SEA | Monticello | Drew |
444.57500 | 449.57500 | 127.3 PL | | N5SEA | Lacy/LaDelle | Drew |
444.57500 | 449.57500 | | | N5SEA | Lacy/LaDelle | Drew |
444.82500 | 0.00000 | 023 DPL | | W5GIF | Monticello | Drew |
53.21000 | 51.51000 | | 114.8 PL | W5AUU | 53.21 repeater linked to 443.950 | Faulkner |
144.67000 | 145.27000 | 114.8 PL | 114.8 PL | N5EWC | Community 2 Meter Repeater | Faulkner |
145.01000 | 0.00000 | | CSQ | W5AUU | W5AUU-8 Conway packet node | Faulkner |
145.21000 | 144.61000 | | 114.8 PL | W5AUU | Secondary Repater (linked to 443.525) | Faulkner |
146.62500 | 146.02500 | | 114.8 PL | W5AUU | Greenbrier Repeater | Faulkner |
146.97000 | 146.37000 | | 114.8 PL | W5AUU | Primary Repeater (linked to 443.800) | Faulkner |
147.03000 | 147.63000 | | 114.8 PL | W5AUU | Skywarn | Faulkner |
147.49500 | 0.00000 | | CSQ | W5AUU | W5AUU-4 Conway packet node | Faulkner |
442.25000 | 447.25000 | 114.8 PL | 114.8 PL | N5EWC | Dual Mode YSF/Analog Repeater | Faulkner |
443.52500 | 448.52500 | | 114.8 PL | W5AUU | Secondary Repeater (linked to 145.210) | Faulkner |
443.80000 | 448.80000 | | 114.8 PL | W5AUU | Primary Repeater (linked to 146.970) | Faulkner |
443.95000 | 448.95000 | | 114.8 PL | W5AUU | Backup Repeater | Faulkner |
444.10000 | 449.10000 | | 114.8 PL | W5AUU | Center Ridge/Woolverton Mtn Repeater | Faulkner |
145.35000 | 144.75000 | 151.4 PL | | | Franklin County SKYWARN | Franklin |
443.25000 | 448.25000 | 123.0 PL | | | Franklin County SKYWARN | Franklin |
146.88000 | 146.28000 | 114.8 PL | | W5LVB | Hot Springs (Diamond Lakes SKYWARN Net) | Garland |
147.18000 | 147.78000 | | 114.8 PL | WB5SPA | Hot Springs SARA Club 2 Meter Repeater | Garland |
444.60000 | 449.60000 | | 114.8 PL | W5LVB | Hot Springs Back Up SKYWARN | Garland |
145.47000 | 144.87000 | | | W5BJR | Greene County Amateur Radio Club/ARES - Paragould | Greene |
146.68500 | 146.08500 | 114.8 PL | | KC5FFN | Hempstead/Nevada Amateur Radio Club (H/N ARC) | Hempstead |
147.27000 | 147.87000 | | | | Skywarn Nets | Hot Spring |
147.36000 | 147.96000 | 136.5 PL | | W5BXJ | Skywarn Nets | Hot Spring |
146.92500 | 146.32500 | 100.0 PL | 100.0 PL | KD5NUP | Athens (Tall Peak)- Howard County Search and Rescue | Howard |
147.04500 | 147.64500 | 94.8 PL | 94.8 PL | N5THS | Nashville - H.E.A.R. Club | Howard |
147.22500 | 147.82500 | 107.2 PL | 107.2 PL | K5NES | Batesville / IRLP 3956 / Echolink (Analog) | Independence |
147.22500 | 147.82500 | | | K5NES | Batesville / IRLP 3956 / Echolink (Digital) | Independence |
147.27000 | 147.87000 | 023 DPL | 023 DPL | K5BRC | Batesville Area Radio Club (Wide) | Independence |
147.27000 | 147.87000 | | | K5BRC | Batesville Area Radio Club (Wide) | Independence |
444.75000 | 449.75000 | 94.8 PL | 94.8 PL | K5BRC | Batesville Area Radio Club (Wide) | Independence |
444.75000 | 449.75000 | | | K5BRC | Batesville Area Radio Club (Wide) | Independence |
444.90000 | 449.90000 | 186.2 PL | 186.2 PL | N5TSC | Batesville (Wide) | Independence |
145.47000 | 0.00000 | | | W5BJR | W5BJR Pine Bluff | Jefferson |
146.70000 | 0.00000 | 82.5 PL | | K5DAK | K5DAK 146.700 Pine Bluff | Jefferson |
147.16500 | 0.00000 | | | N5RN | N5RN White Hall | Jefferson |
147.19500 | 0.00000 | | | N5KWH | N5KWH Redfield | Jefferson |
147.24000 | 0.00000 | 82.5 PL | | K5DAK | K5DAK 147.240 Pine Bluff | Jefferson |
442.17500 | 0.00000 | 82.5 PL | | KJ5PE | KJ5PE White Hall | Jefferson |
442.42500 | 0.00000 | 114.8 PL | | K5SWT | K5SWT Pine Bluff | Jefferson |
443.70000 | 0.00000 | | | AF5AR | AF5AR White Hall | Jefferson |
147.28500 | 147.88500 | 114.8 PL | 114.8 PL | W5OI | W5OI Repeater, Clarksville | Johnson |
147.04500 | 147.64500 | | | | Lawrence Co ARC - linked full time to 145.410 in Pocahontas AR | Lawrence |
442.40000 | 447.40000 | | | | Lawrence County Amateur Radio Club | Lawrence |
444.80000 | 449.80000 | | | | Driven Elements Amateur Radio Group | Lawrence |
147.38000 | 147.98000 | 100.0 PL | 100.0 PL | KB5SSW | Ashdown Repeater | Little River |
147.55000 | 0.00000 | 100.0 PL | | | Area HAM SkyWARN/ARES/RACES 2 meter repeater. | Little River |
53.11000 | 0.00000 | 131.8 PL | | N5XMZ | Skywarn | Logan |
145.35000 | 0.00000 | 151.4 PL | | N5XMZ | Skywarn | Logan |
147.09000 | 0.00000 | CSQ | | W5MAG | Skywarn | Logan |
443.25000 | 0.00000 | 123.0 PL | | N5XMZ | Skywarn | Logan |
145.41000 | 144.81000 | 85.4 PL | 85.4 PL | NL7RQ | Cabot Small Town Amateur Radio Service STARS Repeater | Lonoke |
147.15000 | 147.75000 | 85.4 PL | 85.4 PL | W5STR | Coy, AR Repeater | Lonoke |
442.47500 | 447.47500 | 114.8 PL | 114.8 PL | NL7RQ | Cabot Small Town Amateur Radio Service STARS Repeater | Lonoke |
145.31000 | 144.71000 | 103.5 PL | | K5DVT | K5DVT | Madison |
443.62500 | 448.62500 | 97.4 PL | | K5DVT | K5DVT | Madison |
147.24000 | 147.84000 | 107.2 PL | | | Skywarn | Marion |
147.24000 | 0.00000 | 103.5 PL | | K5MCA | K5MCA | Marion |
146.67000 | 0.00000 | | 107.2 PL | | Skywarn Primary | Mississippi |
444.65000 | 0.00000 | | 186.2 PL | | Skywarn Alternate with Link | Mississippi |
146.71500 | 146.11500 | 127.3 PL | | WX5HOT | Ham Repeater - Mount Ida (SKYWARN Info.) | Montgomery |
444.47500 | 449.47500 | | 114.8 PL | KA5WPC | SKYWARN Backup | Montgomery |
146.61000 | 146.01000 | | | WB5CYX | Newton County SKYWARN Wide area (Jasper, AR) | Newton |
147.57500 | 0.00000 | | | | Perry Co ARES Simplex | Perry |
447.15000 | 442.15000 | 162.2 PL | | W5SRE | Perry Mountain | Perry |
443.32500 | 448.32500 | 107.2 PL | | W5MLH | Battery Backup Weather Spotters (NXDN Mixed Mode) | Poinsett |
146.79000 | 146.39000 | 100.0 PL | 100.0 PL | W5HUM | Mena | Polk |
146.92500 | 146.32500 | 100.0 PL | 100.0 PL | W5HCR | Athens - Tall Peak | Polk |
442.95000 | 447.95000 | 88.5 PL | 88.5 PL | KB5JBS | Mena - Stand Pipe Hill | Polk |
443.35000 | 448.35000 | 100.0 PL | 100.0 PL | W5HUM | Mena - Rich Mountain | Polk |
444.67500 | 449.67500 | CSQ | CSQ | K5PS | Mena | Polk |
444.92500 | 449.92500 | 88.5 PL | 88.5 PL | KC5MMW | Mena | Polk |
145.39000 | 144.79000 | 107.2 PL | | W5VUB | Atkins (Crow Mountain) | Pope |
146.68500 | 0.00000 | | 141.3 PL | WD5B | Lake Dardanelle - Linked full time to ARLinks System Hub on 443.200 (Little Rock) | Pope |
146.82000 | 146.22000 | | 131.8 PL | K5PXP | Skywarn/Emergency Nets | Pope |
442.36250 | 447.35250 | | | K5CS | RussNet DMR Repeater - Russellville Local | Pope |
442.36250 | 447.36250 | | | K5CS | RussNet DMR Repeater - Arkansas Statwide | Pope |
443.40000 | 448.40000 | | 131.8 PL | K5PXP | Arkansas River Valley Amateur Radio Foundation | Pope |
146.94000 | 146.34000 | | | W5DI | Skywarn - Little Rock (Chenal Mountain) | Pulaski |
442.65000 | 447.65000 | | | K5NSX | Shinall Mountain - Worldwide | Pulaski |
442.65000 | 447.65000 | | | K5NSX | Shinall Mountain - Texas Statewide | Pulaski |
442.65000 | 447.65000 | | | K5NSX | Shinall Mountain - Arkansas Statewide | Pulaski |
442.65000 | 447.65000 | | | K5NSX | Shinall Mountain - NSX Local | Pulaski |
443.00000 | 449.00000 | 100.0 PL | | | CAUHF Open Repeater | Pulaski |
443.12500 | 448.12500 | | | AC5XV | Sherwood - Worldwide | Pulaski |
443.12500 | 448.12500 | | | AC5XV | Sherwood - Texas Statewide | Pulaski |
443.12500 | 448.12500 | | | AC5XV | Sherwood - Arkansas Statewide | Pulaski |
443.12500 | 448.12500 | | | AC5XV | Sherwood - NSX Local | Pulaski |
443.20000 | 448.20000 | 114.8 PL | 114.8 PL | N5CG | CAUHF Club - Skywarn | Pulaski |
444.20000 | 0.00000 | | | W5DI | CAREN Little Rock | Pulaski |
145.27000 | 144.67000 | 94.8 PL | 94.8 PL | AI5NL | Pocahontas, Randolph County | Randolph |
145.41000 | 144.81000 | 94.8 PL | 94.8 PL | W5WRA | Pocahontas AR, Battles Radio Tower, Linked to 147.045 Imboden AR | Randolph |
146.71500 | 146.11500 | 94.8 PL | 94.8 PL | AI5NL | Pocahontas, Randolph County | Randolph |
146.80500 | 146.20500 | 88.5 PL | 88.5 PL | N5WWW | Pocahontas AR, on Harmony Rd | Randolph |
442.02500 | 447.02500 | 94.8 PL | 94.8 PL | W5WRA | Pocahontas AR, on Highway 90 | Randolph |
442.55000 | 447.55000 | 94.8 PL | 94.8 PL | AI5NL | Pocahontas, Randolph County | Randolph |
442.62500 | 447.62500 | 94.8 PL | 94.8 PL | AI5NL | Pocahontas, Randolph County | Randolph |
146.64000 | 0.00000 | 131.8 PL | | W5RHS | Little Rock CAUFH Group | Saline |
146.80500 | 0.00000 | 131.8 PL | | AA5FO | Saline County OEM Skywarn | Saline |
147.12000 | 0.00000 | 131.8 PL | | W5RHS | Saline County Skywarn | Saline |
444.80000 | 449.80000 | 131.8 PL | 131.8 PL | W5RHS | W5RHS Analog | Saline |
444.80000 | 449.80000 | | | W5RHS | W5RHS YSF | Saline |
444.85000 | 449.85000 | 131.8 PL | 131.8 PL | W5RHS | W5RHS Analog | Saline |
444.85000 | 449.85000 | | | W5RHS | W5RHS YSF | Saline |
146.64000 | 146.04000 | | | | FSAARC, Cavanal Mtn Area | Sebastian |
146.94000 | 0.00000 | | | | FSAARC, Fort Smith Area | Sebastian |
442.25000 | 447.25000 | | | | Skywarn - Secondary (Cavanal Mountain) | Sebastian |
444.50000 | 0.00000 | | | | FSAARC Cavanal Mtn. Area | Sebastian |
444.92500 | 449.92500 | | | | Skywarn - Secondary | Sebastian |
145.29000 | 144.69000 | | | KC5TEL | Jonesboro | Sharp |
146.61000 | 146.01000 | 107.2 PL | 107.2 PL | W5JBR | Jonesboro Amateur Radio Club | Sharp |
146.64000 | 146.04000 | 94.8 PL | 94.8 PL | KG5ICO | Cherokee Village Ham Radio Club | Sharp |
146.64000 | 146.04000 | | | KG5ICO | Cherokee Village Ham Radio Club | Sharp |
147.16500 | 147.76500 | | | N5MOT | Jonesboro | Sharp |
147.21000 | 147.81000 | | | K5CRS | Jonesboro | Sharp |
147.24000 | 147.84000 | 107.2 PL | | NI5A | Jonesboro | Sharp |
147.28500 | 147.88500 | 107.2 PL | 107.2 PL | KA5DRT | Jonesboro | Sharp |
224.50000 | 222.90000 | 107.2 PL | | N5TSC | Jamestown Mountain (Batesville) | Sharp |
444.72500 | 449.72500 | 103.5 PL | | N9EXR | Highland | Sharp |
444.95000 | 449.95000 | 107.2 PL | 107.2 PL | N5ALN | Hughes UHF | St. Francis |
147.10500 | 147.70500 | 94.8 PL | | K5GNT | K5GNT Dual Mode Repeater (YSF/Analog) | Stone |
442.85000 | 447.85000 | 97.4 PL | 97.4 PL | KF5BZP | White River Med Center Am Radio Club - linked to AR Pub Health Net | Stone |
145.56250 | 0.00000 | | | W5XH | Fayetteville Wires-X Simplex/Fusion | Washington |
146.44500 | 0.00000 | CSQ | CSQ | | NWAR Simplex | Washington |
146.50000 | 0.00000 | 88.5 PL | 88.5 PL | K2XI | Farmington Simplex Allstar Link | Washington |
146.70000 | 0.00000 | 110.9 PL | | | WC5AR East, Elkins Area | Washington |
146.76000 | 146.16000 | 110.9 PL | | WC5AR | NWS Tulsa Area West County | Washington |
146.86500 | 146.26500 | 110.9 PL | | KJ5BJ | NWS Tulsa Wide-Area Weather Net (linked with NWS Tulsa 146.88 MHz Weather Net) | Washington |
146.95500 | 146.35500 | 110.9 PL | | WC5AR | NWS North, Springdale Area | Washington |
147.03000 | 0.00000 | 110.9 PL | | | WC5AR Central, Fayetteville Area | Washington |
147.13500 | 147.73500 | 110.9 PL | | W5YM | University of Arkansas ARC, Fayetteville | Washington |
147.31500 | 147.91500 | 97.4 PL | 97.4 PL | WX5NAS | Fayetteville, Kessler Mtn | Washington |
442.00000 | 447.00000 | | | N5UDO | Closed | Washington |
442.05000 | 447.05000 | 110.9 PL | 110.9 PL | WC5AR | Fayetteville | Washington |
442.30000 | 447.30000 | | | N5UFO | Winslow Closed | Washington |
443.12500 | 448.12500 | 110.9 PL | 110.9 PL | W5YM | Fayetteville | Washington |
443.15000 | 448.15000 | 114.8 PL | 114.8 PL | AB5UB | Lincoln Repeater | Washington |
444.10000 | 449.10000 | 162.2 PL | 162.2 PL | N5BVA | Dodd Mountain Bethel Heights | Washington |
444.70000 | 449.70000 | | | | NW AR TG | Washington |
444.77500 | 449.77500 | 103.5 PL | 103.5 PL | K4SRS | WInslow Repeater | Washington |
444.92500 | 449.92500 | 88.5 PL | | WX5TUL | NWS Tulsa Wide-Area Weather Net | Washington |
147.31500 | 0.00000 | | | WA5OOY | Skywarn (Russell) | White |
146.68500 | 146.08500 | | | WD5B | WD5B Repeater, Dardanelle | Yell |