444.00000 | 449.00000 | 118.8 PL | | KI4CCZ | Calhoun Falls Repeater | Abbeville |
444.57500 | 449.57500 | 103.5 PL | | KI4CCZ | Calhoun Falls Repeater | Abbeville |
145.35000 | 144.75000 | 156.7 PL | | N2ZZ | Aiken Hospital | Aiken |
145.49000 | 144.89000 | CSQ | | W4DV | ARC of Augusta Skywarn | Aiken |
146.94000 | 146.34000 | 146.2 PL | | KE4RAP | EWARN | Aiken |
147.28500 | 147.88500 | CSQ | | N4ADM | Downtown Aiken | Aiken |
147.34500 | 147.94500 | 91.5 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Beech Island Repeater | Aiken |
441.52500 | 446.52500 | 91.5 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Aiken Repeater (Aiken Regional Medical Center) | Aiken |
443.12500 | 448.12500 | 91.5 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Beech Island Repeater | Aiken |
444.80000 | 449.80000 | 146.2 PL | | KE4RAP | EWARN | Aiken |
146.97000 | 146.37000 | | | N4AW | Anderson Radio Club Repeater (atop AnMed Hospital) | Anderson |
443.71250 | 448.71250 | 293 NAC | | | Anderson University Digital Ham Repeater (on Anderson College Radio Tower) | Anderson |
443.71250 | 448.71250 | 127.3 PL | | | Anderson University Repeater-Analog | Anderson |
145.33000 | 0.00000 | 156.7 PL | | WA4DFP | Bamberg | Bamberg |
442.00000 | 447.00000 | 91.5 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Barnwell Repeater | Barnwell |
145.49000 | 144.89000 | 103.5 PL | | W4HRS | CARS Moncks Corner | Berkeley |
146.61000 | 146.01000 | 123.0 PL | | W4BRK | Berkeley Co. ARES/RACES | Berkeley |
147.15000 | 147.71500 | 91.5 PL | 91.5 PL | WD4NUN | Berkeley Co. ARES/RACES | Berkeley |
147.30000 | 147.90000 | 162.2 PL | 162.2 PL | KK4B | Russellville | Berkeley |
147.30000 | 147.90000 | | | KK4B | 2M MotoTRBO reoeater Color Code 1 | Berkeley |
444.30000 | 449.30000 | 162.2 PL | | KM4ID | 70cm Repeater | Berkeley |
146.67000 | 146.07000 | 156.7 PL | | AD4U | AD4U Calhoun County | Calhoun |
145.45000 | 144.85000 | 123.0 PL | | W4HRS | HEART MUSC | Charleston |
146.73000 | 146.13000 | 123.0 PL | | W4HRS | SC HEARTS | Charleston |
146.76000 | 146.16000 | 123.0 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Awendaw Repeater (TV 5 Tower) | Charleston |
146.79000 | 146.19000 | 123.0 PL | | WA4USN | WA4USN Mt. Pleasant Repeater | Charleston |
147.10500 | 147.70500 | 123.0 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Wallace School Repeater | Charleston |
147.34500 | 147.94500 | 123.0 PL | | W4ANK | W4ANK Adam's Run (Back-up #2) | Charleston |
441.57500 | 446.57500 | 123.0 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Wallace School Repeater | Charleston |
441.72500 | 446.72500 | 123.0 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Awendaw Repeater (TV 5 Tower) | Charleston |
444.77500 | 449.77500 | 123.0 PL | | W4HRS | HEART St. Francis | Charleston |
444.82500 | 449.82500 | 123.0 PL | | W4HRS | HEART MUSC | Charleston |
145.25000 | 144.85000 | 123.0 PL | | KG4JIA | Cherokee Co. ARES | Cherokee |
145.47000 | 144.87000 | 123.0 PL | | WB4BLI | Thicketty Mountain Skywarn/ SC CARES | Cherokee |
146.17500 | 146.77500 | 107.2 PL | | KE4MDP | Cherokee Co. ARES | Cherokee |
441.87500 | 446.87500 | 123.0 PL | | KF4BJO | Cherokee Co./SC CARES | Cherokee |
145.31000 | 144.71000 | 167.9 PL | 167.9 PL | W4CHR | Chester Co./SC CARES | Chester |
146.62500 | 146.02500 | CSQ | | KF4SXO | Chester Co./SC CARES | Chester |
444.72500 | 449.72500 | 110.9 PL | | KC4KPJ | NCHEARS.org Chester Repeater (Richburg, SC) | Chester |
53.37000 | 52.37000 | 100.0 PL | | W4JMY | W4JMY 6M Repeater Pageland | Chesterfield |
145.49000 | 144.89000 | 123.0 PL | | W4APE | PALS Cheraw Repeater | Chesterfield |
146.89500 | 146.29500 | 123.0 PL | | W4APE | PALS Pageland Repeater (High Point Community) | Chesterfield |
145.15000 | 144.55000 | 91.5 PL | | KM4ABW | Repeater | Clarendon |
146.71500 | 146.11500 | 123.0 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Walterboro/White Hall Repeater | Colleton |
146.91000 | 146.31000 | CSQ | | WA4SJS | White Hall-Colleton County (Back-up #1) | Colleton |
441.67500 | 446.67500 | 123.0 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Walterboro/White Hall Repeater | Colleton |
444.85000 | 449.85000 | 123.0 PL | | W4HRS | HEART Colleton Co. Medical | Colleton |
146.85000 | 146.25000 | | CSQ | W4ULH | Florence ARC | Darlington |
147.25500 | 147.85500 | | 162.2 PL | KB4RRC | Foresty ARC | Darlington |
442.05000 | 447.05000 | | 123.0 PL | W4APE | PALS Net | Darlington |
444.80000 | 449.80000 | | 91.5 PL | KB4RRC | Forestry ARC | Darlington |
146.74500 | 146.14500 | 82.5 PL | 82.5 PL | W4PDE | Dillon Repeater | Dillon |
146.86500 | 146.26500 | 123.0 PL | | N2OBS | N2OBS Repeater | Dorchester |
146.94000 | 146.14000 | 123.0 PL | | WA4USN | WA4USN Repeater | Dorchester |
146.98500 | 146.38500 | 123.0 PL | | W1GRE | W1GRE Repeater | Dorchester |
147.18000 | 147.78000 | 123.0 PL | | W4HNK | W4HNK Repeater | Dorchester |
147.27000 | 147.87000 | 123.0 PL | | W4ANK | W4ANK Repeater | Dorchester |
146.68500 | 146.08500 | 91.5 PL | 91.5 PL | WR4SC | SCHEART Florence Repeater | Florence |
146.97000 | 146.37000 | CSQ | 167.9 PL | W4GEY | Florence ARC | Florence |
147.19500 | 147.79500 | 123.0 PL | | W4APE | PALS Florence Repeater | Florence |
441.57500 | 446.57500 | 91.5 PL | 91.5 PL | WR4SC | SCHEART Florence Repeater | Florence |
441.87500 | 446.87500 | 123.0 PL | 123.0 PL | WD4CHS | Spiderman ARC | Florence |
442.05000 | 447.05000 | 123.0 PL | 123.0 PL | W4APE | PALS Florence Repeater | Florence |
444.00000 | 449.00000 | CSQ | CSQ | W4ULH | Florence ARC | Florence |
444.85000 | 449.85000 | CSQ | 162.2 PL | KJ4OEF | Mclead Hospital Emergency Comms | Florence |
146.70000 | 146.10000 | 123.0 PL | | W4HRS | HEART Georgetown Repeater | Georgetown |
147.37500 | 147.97500 | CSQ | | K4SHP | Georgetown Co. Repeater | Georgetown |
444.92500 | 449.92500 | CSQ | | K4SHP | Georgetown Co. Repeater | Georgetown |
145.37000 | 144.77000 | 123.0 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Paris Mountain | Greenville |
145.47000 | 144.87000 | 91.5 PL | 91.5 PL | K9OH | Caesars Head Repeater/Skywarn Upstate | Greenville |
146.61000 | 146.01000 | CSQ | | W4NYK | Skywarn Caesars Head/SC CARES/BRARS | Greenville |
146.82000 | 146.22000 | CSQ | | W4NYK | Paris Mountain/SC CARES/BRARS | Greenville |
146.94000 | 146.34000 | 107.2 PL | | W4IQQ | SC CARES Repeater | Greenville |
441.67500 | 446.67500 | 91.5 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Paris Mountain | Greenville |
442.25000 | 447.25000 | CSQ | | KB4PQA | SC CARES Repeater | Greenville |
443.12500 | 448.12500 | 123.0 PL | | K4ECG | SCHEART Caesars Head | Greenville |
443.35000 | 448.35000 | CSQ | | W4IQQ | SC CARES Repeater Paris Mountain | Greenville |
147.16500 | 147.76500 | 107.2 PL | | W4GWD | Greenwood ARC Skywarn | Greenwood |
441.62500 | 446.62500 | 91.5 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Greenwood Repeater | Greenwood |
145.11000 | 144.51000 | 85.4 PL | | W4GS | Repeater | Horry |
145.39000 | 144.79000 | 85.4 PL | | N1UXA | Repeater | Horry |
146.65500 | 146.05500 | 123.0 PL | | K4SHP | Skywarn (Secondary) Myrtle Beach | Horry |
146.71500 | 146.11500 | 162.2 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Conway | Horry |
147.09000 | 147.69000 | 123.0 PL | | K4SHP | Skywarn (Primary) | Horry |
147.12000 | 147.72000 | 85.4 PL | | W4GS | Repeater | Horry |
147.33000 | 147.93000 | 85.4 PL | | W4GS | Repeater | Horry |
441.67500 | 446.67500 | 162.2 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Conway | Horry |
444.67500 | 449.67500 | 85.4 PL | | W4GS | Repeater | Horry |
146.86500 | 146.26800 | | | KD4HLH | KD4HLH Repeater | Laurens |
146.92500 | 146.32500 | 123.0 PL | | W4APE | PALS Bishopville/Lucknow Repeater | Lee |
145.00000 | 0.00000 | 82.5 PL | | KE4IFI | KE4IFI IRLP Node 4045/Echolink 6727 | Lexington |
147.00000 | 147.60000 | 123.0 PL | | K1TCB | K1TCB ARES Repeater | Lexington |
147.00000 | 147.60000 | 347 NAC | | K1TCB | K1TCB ARES Repeater | Lexington |
147.25500 | 147.85500 | 123.0 PL | | W4RRC | Batesburg-Leesville Repeater | Lexington |
147.39000 | 147.99000 | 156.7 PL | | KA4FEC | Lexington Repeater | Lexington |
146.74500 | 146.14500 | 315 DPL | | W4FTK | Little Mountain Repeater | Newberry |
146.95500 | 146.35500 | 186.2 PL | 183.5 PL | KQ4NOR | Newberry | Newberry |
147.21000 | 147.81000 | 156.7 PL | | WR4SC | Little Mountain | Newberry |
145.29000 | 144.69000 | 162.2 PL | | K4WD | K4WD ARES RACES | Oconee |
147.03000 | 146.43000 | CSQ | | KJ4YLP | Mountain Rest Repeater | Oconee |
442.77500 | 447.77500 | 127.3 PL | | N4LRD | Long Mountain (Linked to WARNS system; Skywarn linked) | Oconee |
443.70000 | 448.70000 | 91.5 PL | | KJ4YLO | WARNS Repeater Stumohouse Mtn Walhalla | Oconee |
443.97500 | 448.97500 | 103.5 PL | | N4VDE | Liberty VHF Repeater | Oconee |
146.88000 | 146.28000 | 123.0 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Orangeburg | Orangeburg |
147.09000 | 147.69000 | 156.7 PL | | | Neeses | Orangeburg |
441.75000 | 446.75000 | 123.0 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Orangeburg | Orangeburg |
53.41000 | 52.41000 | 131.8 PL | | KO4MZ | Pickens Co. 6M Repeater (Secondary) | Pickens |
145.17000 | 144.57000 | 162.2 PL | | KK4SM | Pickens Co. 2M Repeater | Pickens |
147.19500 | 147.79500 | 141.3 PL | | WX4PG | Pickens Co. Skywarn (Secondary) | Pickens |
224.10000 | 225.70000 | 131.8 PL | | KK4SM | Six Mile Mountain | Pickens |
224.14000 | 222.54000 | 131.8 PL | | WR4XM | Pickens Co. Skywarn (Secondary) | Pickens |
224.40000 | 222.80000 | 131.8 PL | | WR4XM | Pickens Co. 220 Repeater (Secondary) | Pickens |
441.80000 | 446.80000 | 110.9 PL | | W4TWX | Pickens Co. 440 Repeater (Secondary) | Pickens |
441.87500 | 446.87500 | 110.9 PL | | KK4SM | Pickens Co. 440 Repeater (Secondary) | Pickens |
442.40000 | 447.40000 | 127.3 PL | | WX4PG | Pickens Co. Skywarn (Primary) | Pickens |
443.45000 | 448.45000 | 110.9 PL | | AC4RZ | Pickens Co. 440 Repeater (Secondary) | Pickens |
444.35000 | 449.35000 | 127.3 PL | | KN4SWB | Pickens Co. 440 Repeater | Pickens |
927.71250 | 902.71250 | 100.0 PL | | KO4MZ | Pickens Co. Skywarn (Secondary) | Pickens |
146.71500 | 146.11500 | 91.5 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Columbia | Richland |
147.33000 | 147.93000 | 156.7 PL | | WR4SC | ARES/Central Midlands | Richland |
147.36000 | 147.96000 | 100.0 PL | | K4HI | Columbia Repeater | Richland |
441.72500 | 446.72500 | 91.5 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Columbia | Richland |
442.87500 | 447.87500 | 315 DPL | | W4FTK | Columbia Repeater | Richland |
444.20000 | 449.20000 | | | N5CWH | Rutledge 1 | Richland |
444.20000 | 449.20000 | | | N5CWH | Rutledge 2 | Richland |
444.87500 | 449.87500 | 91.5 PL | 91.5 PL | K9OH | Skywarn | Richland |
147.31500 | 0.00000 | | | K4JLA | Spartanburg Amateur Radio Club | Spartanburg |
224.44000 | 0.00000 | | | K4II | Spartanburg Amateur Radio Club | Spartanburg |
442.07500 | 0.00000 | | | K4II | Spartanburg Amateur Radio Club | Spartanburg |
442.80000 | 0.00000 | | | KI4WVC | Spartanburg CERT Repeater | Spartanburg |
144.39000 | 0.00000 | | | | APRS Various Sumter area digital repeaters | Sumter |
145.13000 | 144.53000 | 156.7 PL | | K4JR | Sumter area 2M Repeater | Sumter |
145.43000 | 144.83000 | 156.7 PL | | K4SPL | Sumter area 2M Repeater | Sumter |
146.64000 | 146.04000 | 156.7 PL | | W4GL | Sumter Amateur Radio Association | Sumter |
147.01500 | 147.61500 | 156.7 PL | | W4GL | Sumter Amateur Radio Association | Sumter |
224.12000 | 223.12000 | | | W4GL | Sumter Amateur Radio Association | Sumter |
441.62500 | 446.62500 | 162.2 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Sumter | Sumter |
444.15000 | 449.15000 | 123.0 PL | | W4GL | Sumter Amateur Radio Association 440 Repeater | Sumter |
444.50000 | 449.50000 | 123.0 PL | | K2JLB | Sumter area 70cm repeater | Sumter |
145.23000 | 144.63000 | 123.0 PL | | W4ABE | PALS Greelyville Repeater | Williamsburg |
444.75000 | 449.75000 | 123.0 PL | | W4ABE | PALS Greeleyville Repeater | Williamsburg |
146.97000 | 146.37000 | 156 DPL | 156 DPL | W4PSC | Fort Mill | York |
147.03000 | 146.43000 | 88.5 PL | | K4YTZ | York. Co Amateur Radio Society Repeater | York |
147.22500 | 147.82500 | 110.9 PL | | KD4EOD | Rock Hill/York KD4EOD Repeater | York |
147.27000 | 147.87000 | 156 DPL | 156 DPL | W4PSC | York | York |
147.37500 | 147.97500 | 156 DPL | 156 DPL | W4PSC | Bullock Creek | York |
441.52500 | 446.52500 | 162.2 PL | | WR4SC | SCHEART Rock Hill | York |
443.72500 | 448.72500 | 127.3 PL | | KC4KPJ | Clover RACES | York |
443.80000 | 448.80000 | 315 DPL | 315 DPL | W4FTK | W4FTK Linked System | York |