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Entity | Entity Type |
Bonneville County Trunked Systems (7) | Trunked |
Bonneville County | Category |
Bonneville County Business | Business Group |
Idaho Falls Regional Airport (IDA) | Aircraft / Airport |
Bonneville County
Bonneville County
Eastern Idaho Cooperative Agencies Wireless Interoperable Network (EICAWIN) Project 25 Phase I | NOTE: UHF frequencies remain available for use as fallback in the event of 700 MHz System problems. Bonneville County Law and Fire Agencies have migrated to the EICAWIN 700 MHz P25 digital system. Main dispatch frequencies for fire/EMS are being simulcast on both vhf and the 700 MHz system. Law agencies are no longer using UHF frequencies. The use of other vhf/uhf frequencies may also be discontinued as the transition takes place |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
460.325 | KOG975 | RM | 100.0 PL | BonCo LE Fallbak | Law - Fallback use | FMN | Law Talk |
453.275 | WPMB840 | RM | BonCo Jail Ops | Jail Operations | FMN | Corrections | |
154.815 | KNAR411 | RM | 82.5 PL | BonCo SARTaylor | Search & Rescue - Taylor | FMN | Emergency Ops |
155.055 | KNAR411 | RM | 127.3 PL | BonCo SAR Kelly | Search & Rescue - Kelly | FMN | Emergency Ops |
453.425 | KNAR411 | F | 71.9 PL | BonCo SAR Uhf | Search & Rescue - UHF | FMN | Emergency Ops |
154.040 | KCU95 | RM | 151.4 PL | BonCo DPW | Road & Bridge | FMN | Public Works |
Eastern Idaho Cooperative Agencies Wireless Interoperable Network (EICAWIN) Project 25 Phase I | Law and Fire agencies have migrated to the 700 MHz system. Fire vhf is linked to 700 MHz. |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
154.995 | KNIQ758 | BM | 136.5 PL | Am/Ucon FD Disp | Ammon/Ucon Fire Dispatch | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
Idaho Falls
Eastern Idaho Cooperative Agencies Wireless Interoperable Network (EICAWIN) Project 25 Phase I | Law enforcement and Fire have migrated to the EICAWIN System |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.835 | WNFG235 | RM | 88.5 PL | IF FD/EMS | Fire/EMS Dispatch | FMN | Fire Dispatch |
154.190 | KOF591 | BM | IF Fire Tac | Fire Tactical Ch 3 | FMN | Fire-Tac | |
158.250 | KNEZ991 | BM | 100.0 PL | IFMunPwr | Municipal Power | FMN | Public Works |
158.820 | KBH790 | BM | 250.3 PL | IF Parks/Rec | Parks and Recreation | FMN | Public Works |
Idaho Falls School District 91
The Idaho Falls School District #91 is a public school district in the U.S. state of Idaho. District #91 serves about 10,742 students of Idaho Falls, Idaho and parts of rural Bonneville County in 18 schools, making it the seventh-largest by enrollment in the state
Teton Communications Systems (NXDN) NXDN NEXEDGE 4800 | School District 91 now utilizes this system |
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
155.160 | WQAX333 | BM | 141.3 PL | D91 Transportatn | Transportation | FMN | Schools |
464.075 | WPRA573 | RM | 100.0 PL | D91 Operations | Operations | FMN | Schools |
Bonneville Joint School District 93
The Bonneville Joint School District #93 is a public school district in the U.S. state of Idaho. District #93 serves more than 13,000 students from portions of Idaho Falls, Ammon, Iona, Ucon, as well as other unincorporated areas of Bonneville County in 20 schools, making it the fourth-largest by enrollment in the state
Frequency | License | Type | Tone | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
152.285 | WQNP210 | RM | 114.8 PL | D93 Sand Creek | Sand Creek Middle School Mtc/Security | FMN | Schools |
152.315 | WQNP210 | RM | 123.0 PL | D93 Rocky Mtn | Rocky Mountain Middle School Mtce/Security | FMN | Schools |
152.345 | WQNP210 | RM | D93 Mtn Valley | Mountain Valley Elementary School Mtce/Security | FMN | Schools | |
152.405 | WQNP210 | RM | D93 Discovery | Discovery Elementary School Mtce/Security | FMN | Schools | |
152.465 | WQNP210 | RM | D93 Bridgewater | Bridge Water Elementary School Mtce/Security | FMN | Schools | |
152.300 | WQTM784 | BM | D93 Admin | Administration (3000) | FMN | Schools | |
152.450 | WQTM784 | BM | D93 Admin | Administration (4500) | FMN | Schools | |
152.390 | WPVT495 | RM | 107.2 PL | D93 Operations | Operations (3900) | FMN | Schools |
152.435 | WPVT495 | RM | 107.2 PL | D93 Operations | Operations (4350) | FMN | Schools |
152.435 | WPVT495 | RM | 123.0 PL | D93 Operations | Operations (4350) | FMN | Schools |
152.975 | WPVT495 | BM | 167.9 PL | D93 Operations | Operations (9750) | FMN | Schools |
159.6825 | WPVT495 | RM | D93 Operations | Operations (6825) | FMN | Schools | |
152.420 | WQTM784 | BM | D93 Admin | Dist 83 Administration | FMN | Schools | |
160.1175 | WPVT495 | RM | 167.9 PL | D93 Transporatn | Transportation | FMN | Schools |