Amateur Radio
Severe Weather
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Tone In | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
146.745 | 146.145 | W8TAP | RM | 114.8 PL | W8TAPSkywarn | Mid-Ohio Valley Severe Weather Net | FM | Ham |
2m (144 MHz) Frequencies
146.8050 KI8JK repeater is currently off the air from a lightning strike as of April 28, 2014.
Frequency | Input | License | Type | Tone | Tone In | Alpha Tag | Description | Mode | Tag |
145.330 | 144.730 | W8JL | RM | 141.3 PL | 141.3 PL | W8JL 533 | W8JL - Marietta | FM | Ham |
146.805 | 146.205 | KI8JK | RM | 118.8 PL | 118.8 PL | KI8JK VHF | KI8JK - Constitution | FM | Ham |
146.880 | 146.180 | W8HH | RM | 91.5 PL | 91.5 PL | MARC 146.88 | Marietta ARC repeater | FM | Ham |
146.970 | 146.370 | N8NBL | RM | 91.5 PL | 91.5 PL | N8NBL | Pakersburg Amateur Radio Klub - Constitution | FM | Ham |
147.315 | 147.915 | KI8JK | RM | 103.5 PL | 103.5 PL | KI8JK 315 | KI8JK - Belpre | FM | Ham |
70cm (440 MHz) Frequencies
Callsigns by ZIP Code
45714 | 45715 | 45721 | 45724 | 45729 | 45734 | 45742 | 45744 | 45745 | 45746 | 45750 | 45767 | 45768 | 45773 | 45784 |
45786 | 45787 | 45788 |