Pickaway County, Ohio

Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio

Severe Weather

Local severe weather operations are often found on the 147.180 repeater. 146.760 in Columbus is the regional "clearing house" for severe weather reports. Severe Weather frequencies are used for regular amateur communications when weather conditions are normal.

Emergency (ARES/RACES)
FrequencyInputLicenseTypeToneTone InAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
147.180147.780 KD8HIJ RM 74.4 PL 74.4 PL KD8HIJ-7.18 Pickaway ARES primary FM Ham
442.700447.700 KD8HIJ RM 74.4 PL 74.4 PL KD8HIJ-UHF Pickaway ARES primary FM Ham
444.125449.125 WA8PYR RM 179.9 PL 179.9 PL WA8PYR-4.125 Pickaway ARES alternate FM Ham

Callsigns by ZIP Code