Stoddard County, Missouri

All Trunked Radio Systems
System Name Type City
AmerenMissouri (P25) Project 25 Phase I St Louis Metro Area/E MO
Battles Communications (NXDN-173) NXDN NEXEDGE 9600 SEMO / NE AR
Battles Communications - Dexter (800 MHz) LTR Standard Dexter
Battles Communications - UHF (SEMO/AR) LTR Standard and Passport SouthEast MO
Challenger Construction Company (Buchanan) LTR Standard Quinlin
G and D Communications (SEMO) LTR MultiNet Bloomfield
G and D Communications - UHF (SEMO) LTR Standard Various
Missouri Statewide Wireless Interoperable Network (MOSWIN) Project 25 Phase II Statewide
Mo-Ark Communications and Electronics - 800 MHz LTR Standard Various