Frequencies Updated (2) | Starcom21 | 2025-01-25 02:15:29 |
Frequencies Updated (1) | Starcom21 | 2025-01-25 02:15:17 |
Updated Agency Description Text | Starcom21 | 2025-01-25 02:14:40 |
Deleted Subcategory: (Businesess/Miscellaneous) | Starcom21 | 2025-01-25 01:53:40 |
Updated Agency Location Details | Starcom21 | 2025-01-25 01:53:30 |
Frequencies Updated (2) | Starcom21 | 2023-10-30 14:20:47 |
Frequencies Updated (Updated: 0, Deleted 1) for Businesess | Starcom21 | 2023-08-04 13:51:09 |
Agency: Businesses, Attractions and Recreation changed from Businesses, Railroads, Media, Attractions and Recreation (Business G | N9JIG | 2019-04-30 21:51:02 |
Agency: Businesses, Railroads, Media, Attractions and Recreation changed from Businesses (Business Group) to Businesses, Railroa | Starcom21 | 2012-08-01 05:23:12 |
General text description deleted | Starcom21 | 2012-07-24 16:16:22 |
General text description updated | Starcom21 | 2012-07-24 02:03:11 |
Frequencies Updated (Updated: 1, Deleted 0) for Businesess | Starcom21 | 2012-05-25 22:15:47 |
Sort order changed to from 0 for subcat: Miscellaneous | Starcom21 | 2012-05-25 22:15:46 |
Sub-category (Lake Carroll Sort 99) changed to (Lake Carroll Sort: 99) | Starcom21 | 2011-04-09 00:51:03 |
Sub-category (Jo-Carroll Depot Local Redevelopment Authority (Savanna) Sort 99) changed to (Jo-Carroll Depot Local Redevelopment | Starcom21 | 2011-04-09 00:50:26 |
Default Location Data Updated to 42.061529 / -89.975281 / 18 | Starcom21 | 2011-04-09 00:49:26 |
Category: (Businesess) migrated to Agency: (Businesses) | Starcom21 | 2011-04-09 00:48:37 |