Department of Natural Resources (Maryland)

Last Updated: March 6, 2021, 03:11 am UTC

NATURAL RESOURCES POLICE is the state agency responsible for enforcement of boating, hunting, fishing, and natural resources laws. Each Natural Resources Police Officer is granted police powers as conferred upon any other law officer of the state and may excercise these powers statewide (and in some portions of Virginia). DNR Police use the APCO 10-codes.

FOREST & PARK SERVICE (Forest Rangers, Park Rangers, and Wildlife Rangers): are responsible for the enforcement of the laws, rules, and regulations enacted for the protection of the State forestry reservations, State parks, historic monuments, recreation areas, or for the protection of fish and game. Forest Rangers, Park Rangers, and Wildlife Rangers are all granted the same powers and authorities as Natural Resources Police Officers, but may only excercise these powers on lands under the control of the State or Federal government.

The Forest and Park Service operate a series of repeaters all across the state as well as the Natural Resources Police. In order to organize these repeaters and keep units from stepping on each other, different input tones were assigned to access certan repeaters. The following tables of tones were uncovered through dilligent listening. Often you can hear the field units call the dispatcher and identify which repeater they are using. A forest and park service example would be as follows: "41-41 to Tawes on Tone 300". This would indicate to the PCO at Tawes that the unit was calling them on the Madonna repeater with a input tone of 88.5. A NRP example would be as follows: "396 to Tawes on Gwynbrook High-Band". This would indicate to the PCO that the unit was calling them using the Gwynbrook repeater and a input tone of 114.8. All the DNR radios are programmed with scan. Portables have 10 banks of 16 channels. Because all of the radios have a scan function it is possible for Tawes to put out a call on a simplex frequency like 151.415 (N. Parks) and get a response on a completely seperate frequency. Natural Resources Police units are equipped with both Lo-band and High-band radios, when they are used the units will identify which band they are calling on. Also note that the Recieve frequencies and tones are the same statewide, it is only the input tones that differ.

Note:  Channel plans are located in the wiki.



Department of Natural Resources (DNR)

Regional Forestry and Parks Operations

Western Region - Frederick, Washington, Allegany, Garrett
Central Region - Carroll, Montgomery, Howard, Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Harford, Cecil
Southern Region - Anne Arundel, Prince George's, Charles, Calvert, Saint Mary’s
Eastern Region - Kent, Queen Anne's, Caroline, Talbot, Dorchester, Wicomico, Somerset, Worcester

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.460 BM 114.8 PL E/W Forests Eastern & Western Region Forestry Operations FMN Public Works
151.325 BM 114.8 PL E/W Parks Eastern & Western Region Park Operations FMN Public Works
151.355 BM 114.8 PL North Forest Northern Region Forestry Operations FMN Public Works
151.415 BM 114.8 PL North Parks Northern Region Park Operations FMN Public Works
151.250 BM 114.8 PL South Forest Southern Region Forestry Operations FMN Public Works
151.310 BM 114.8 PL South Parks Southern Region Park Operations FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Touch Access Touch Code Repeater Access (RAT tone entry) FMN Public Works
159.450 M 114.8 PL Talkaround Forest & Park Service - Talk-Around FMN Public Works
Area Repeaters
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 200 Repeater 200 (91.5 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 201 Repeater 201 (94.8 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 202 Repeater 202 (107.2 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 203 Repeater 203 (162.2 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 204 Repeater 204 (167.9 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 205 Repeater 205 - (210.7 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 206 Repeater 206 - (173.8 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450KNGT926 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 207 Repeater 207 - Seneca (146.2 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450KLP961 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 300 Repeater 300 - Madonna (88.5 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 301 Repeater 301 - Gwynbrook (186.2 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 302 Repeater 302 - Rocks? (218.1 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 303 Repeater 303 (156.7 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 400 Repeater 400 - Waldorf (77.0 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 401 Repeater 401 (103.5 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 402 Repeater 402 (123.0 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 403 Repeater 403 (127.3 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450WNJE298 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 500 Repeater 500 - Susquehanna (114.8 PL on input, Note: Uses RAT Tone) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 501 Repeater 501 (114.8 PL on input, Note: Uses RAT Tone) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 502 Repeater 502 (203.5 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Repeater 503 Repeater 503 (192.8 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Fort Frederick Repeater ??? - Fort Frederick? (123.0 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Unknown Area Repeater ??? - Unknown (103.5 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Seneca Creek Repeater ??? - Seneca Creek State Park (146.2 PL on input) FMN Public Works
159.450 RM 114.8 PL Western Area Repeater ??? - Western Area (156.7 PL on input) FMN Public Works

Natural Resources Police (NRP)

Eastern Region (Areas 1 & 2)

Area 1:  Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester counties
Area 2:  Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, and Talbot counties

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.205 RM 103.5 PL NRP Hillsboro Hillsboro Repeater (123.0 PL on input) FMN Law Dispatch
151.2725 432 DPL NRP Vienna 1 MC 1 Vienna FMN Law Dispatch
151.4675WNDZ477 532 DPL NRP Vienna 2 MC 2 Vienna FMN Law Dispatch
151.3325 365 DPL NRP Matapeake MC 3 Matapeake FMN Law Dispatch
155.940 365 DPL NRP Solley MC 3 Solley FMN Law Dispatch
155.010 365 DPL NRP TracyLanding MC 3 Tracys Landing FMN Law Dispatch
156.0825 265 DPL NRP PointLookout MC 4 Point Lookout FMN Law Dispatch
156.2175 265 DPL NRP Prince Fred MC 4 Prince Frederick FMN Law Dispatch
155.3025 265 DPL NRP Three Notch MC 4 Three Notch FMN Law Dispatch
151.1975 631 DPL NRP Dundalk 5 MC 5 Dundalk FMN Law Dispatch
155.595 731 DPL NRP Dundalk 6 MC 6 Dundalk FMN Law Dispatch
151.2425 731 DPL NRP Elk Neck MC 6 Elk Neck FMN Law Dispatch
151.340WQHP754 532 DPL NRP Denton MC Denton FMN Law Dispatch
151.2125WQHG685 532 DPL NRP Easton MC Easton FMN Law Dispatch
151.4375WQHP757 532 DPL NRP Goldboro MC Goldboro FMN Law Dispatch
151.3775KFX286 432 DPL NRP Johnson MC Johnson FMN Law Dispatch
156.1875WQHV897 RM 432 DPL NRP Klej Grange MC Klej Grange (Worcester County) FMN Law Dispatch
151.4075WPGK422 RM 432 DPL NRP Marion MC Marion (Somerset County) FMN Law Dispatch
154.845WQHH587 532 DPL NRP Massey MC Massey FMN Law Dispatch
151.4225KFX286 532 DPL NRP Multi Loc MC Matapeake FMN Law Dispatch
154.4075WQHV508 432 DPL NRP Ocean City MC Ocean City FMN Law Dispatch
156.1725WQHV508 RM 432 DPL NRP Ocean City MC Ocean City (Worcester County) FMN Law Dispatch
151.2275WQHT304 532 DPL NRP Rock Hall MC Rock Hall (Kent County) FMN Law Dispatch
154.1675 532 DPL NRP Smithville MC Smithville FMN Law Dispatch
151.2575WQHT355 532 DPL NRP Still Pond MC Still Pond FMN Law Dispatch
151.2725WQKG332 432 DPL NRP Vienna MC Vienna FMN Law Dispatch
159.090WQHH586 532 DPL NRP Wye Mills MC Wye Mills FMN Law Dispatch
151.205 RM 103.5 PL NRP Matapeake Matapeake Repeater (107.2 PL on input) FMN Law Dispatch
151.205 RM 103.5 PL NRP Still Pond Still Pond Repeater (173.8 PL on input) FMN Law Dispatch
Southern Region (Areas 3 & 4)

Area 3:  Anne Arundel and Prince Georges counties
Area 4:  Calvert, Charles, and St. Marys counties

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.205 RM 103.5 PL NRP Gambrills Gambrills Repeater (103.5 PL on input) FMN Law Dispatch
151.4075 432 DPL NRP Marion MC 1 Marion FMN Law Dispatch
151.4225 532 DPL NRP Matapeake MC 2 Matapeake FMN Law Dispatch
154.1675 532 DPL NRP Smithville MC 2 Smithville FMN Law Dispatch
151.160 365 DPL NRP Baden MC 3 Baden FMN Law Dispatch
154.085 365 DPL NRP Ft Washingtn MC 3 Fort Washington FMN Law Dispatch
155.010 365 DPL NRP TracyLanding MC 3 Tracys Landing FMN Law Dispatch
151.445 265 DPL NRP Benedict MC 4 Benedict FMN Law Dispatch
151.1675WQKJ392 265 DPL NRP Smallwood MC 4 Smallwood FMN Law Dispatch
159.090 631 DPL NRP Holofield MC 5 Holofield FMN Law Dispatch
151.3175 631 DPL NRP Rockville MC 5 Rockville FMN Law Dispatch
151.160 365 DPL NRP Badem MC Badem FMN Law Dispatch
151.445 265 DPL NRP Benedict MC Benedict FMN Law Dispatch
155.6925 265 DPL NRP Bethune MC Bethune FMN Law Dispatch
155.580 365 DPL NRP Bowie MC Bowie FMN Law Dispatch
151.280 365 DPL NRP College Park MC College Park FMN Law Dispatch
151.4975 365 DPL NRP Crownsville MC Crownsville FMN Law Dispatch
155.820WQLI428 RM 265 DPL NRP DouglasPoint MC Douglas Point (Charles County) FMN Law Dispatch
151.2875 365 DPL NRP Eagle Harbor MC Eagle Harbor FMN Law Dispatch
154.085 365 DPL NRP Ft Washingtn MC Ft Washington FMN Law Dispatch
155.3625 265 DPL NRP LaPlata MC LaPlata FMN Law Dispatch
154.1825 265 DPL NRP Leonardtown MC Leonardtown FMN Law Dispatch
159.315WQIS398 RM 365 DPL NRP Marlboro MC Marlboro FMN Law Dispatch
151.3325 365 DPL NRP Matapeake MC Matapeake FMN Law Dispatch
156.0825 265 DPL NRP PointLookout MC Point Lookout FMN Law Dispatch
156.2175 265 DPL NRP Prince Fred MC Prince Frederick FMN Law Dispatch
151.1675WQKJ392 265 DPL NRP Smallwood MC Smallwood FMN Law Dispatch
155.940WQMQ806 RM 365 DPL NRP Solley MC Solley (Anne Arundel County) FMN Law Dispatch
151.175 265 DPL NRP Sunderland MC Sunderland FMN Law Dispatch
155.3025 265 DPL NRP Three Notch MC Three Notch FMN Law Dispatch
155.010 365 DPL NRP TracyLanding MC Tracys Landing FMN Law Dispatch
155.115 365 DPL NRP Waterloo MC Waterloo FMN Law Dispatch
151.385WQJY766 RM 265 DPL NRP Welcome MC Welcome (Charles County) FMN Law Dispatch
155.370 RM 103.5 PL NRP Southern MD Southern Maryland FMN Law Dispatch
Central Region (Areas 5 & 6)

Area 5:  Baltimore City; Baltimore, Carroll, Howard, Montgomery counties
Area 6:  Cecil and Harford counties

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.205 RM 103.5 PL NRP GwynBrook Gwynbrook Repeater (114.8 PL on input) FMN Law Dispatch
154.845 532 DPL NRP Massey MC 2 Massey FMN Law Dispatch
151.2575 532 DPL NRP Still Pond MC 2 Still Pond FMN Law Dispatch
151.280 365 DPL NRP College Park MC 3 College Park FMN Law Dispatch
151.4975 365 DPL NRP Crownsville MC 3 Crownsville FMN Law Dispatch
155.940 365 DPL NRP Solley MC 3 Solley FMN Law Dispatch
155.115 365 DPL NRP Waterloo MC 3 Waterloo FMN Law Dispatch
151.1975 RM 631 DPL NRP Dundalk MC 5 Dundalk (Baltimore/Howard/Carroll Counties) FMN Law Dispatch
155.370WQFG654 631 DPL NRP Hereford MC 5 Hereford (Baltimore County) FMN Law Dispatch
159.090WQAM220 RM 631 DPL NRP Holofield MC 5 Holofield FMN Law Dispatch
155.595WQHQ355 731 DPL NRP Dundalk MC 6 Dundalk (Harford/Cecil Counties) FMN Law Dispatch
151.115 731 DPL MC6 Holofield MC 6 Holofield FMN Law Dispatch
159.3825WQBJ764 RM 731 DPL NRP Madonna MC 6 Madonna (Harford County) FMN Law Dispatch
155.3625 351 DPL NRP Gambrill Mtn MC 7 Gambrill Mtn FMN Law Dispatch
155.8425 351 DPL NRP Marlu Ridge MC 7 Marlu Ridge FMN Law Dispatch
154.2575 351 DPL NRP Thurmont MC 7 Thurmont FMN Law Dispatch
151.4675 731 DPL NRP Cecilton MC Cecilton FMN Law Dispatch
155.8425WQFD637 RM 731 DPL NRP Conowingo MC Conowingo (Harford County) FMN Law Dispatch
159.390 631 DPL NRP Dayton MC Dayton FMN Law Dispatch
151.1975 631 DPL NRP Dundalk MC Dundalk FMN Law Dispatch
155.595 731 DPL NRP Dundalk MC Dundalk FMN Law Dispatch
151.2425 731 DPL NRP Elk Neck MC Elk Neck FMN Law Dispatch
151.2425 631 DPL NRP Gambrill Mtn MC Gambrill Mtn FMN Law Dispatch
151.2725 731 DPL NRP Hereford MC Hereford FMN Law Dispatch
155.370 631 DPL NRP Hereford MC Hereford FMN Law Dispatch
151.115 731 DPL NRP Holofield MC Holofield FMN Law Dispatch
159.405WNLR434 RM 731 DPL NRP Kingsville MC Kingsville (Baltimore County) FMN Law Dispatch
159.3825 731 DPL NRP Madonna MC Madonna FMN Law Dispatch
155.8275WQKQ646 RM 631 DPL NRP Poolesville MC Poolesville (Montgomery County) FMN Law Dispatch
151.3175WQBJ764 RM 631 DPL NRP Rockville MC Rockville (Montgomery County) FMN Law Dispatch
151.1075 731 DPL NRP StoneyForest MC Stoney Forest FMN Law Dispatch
151.235WQBN789 631 DPL NRP Westminister MC Westiminster FMN Law Dispatch
151.205 RM 103.5 PL NRP Savage Savage Repeater (103.5 PL on input) FMN Law Dispatch
151.205 RM 103.5 PL NRP Savage Savage Repeater (123.0 PL on input) FMN Law Dispatch
Western Region (Areas 7 & 8)

Area 7:  Frederick and Washington counties
Area 8:  Allegany and Garrett counties

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
151.2575 RM 343 DPL NRP Dan's Rock Dan's Rock FMN Law Dispatch
151.460 RM 343 DPL NRP 151.46 Garrett/Theyerville/Mt. Lake Park FMN Law Dispatch
151.2425 RM 631 DPL NRP Gambrill Mtn MC 5 Gambrill Mountain FMN Law Dispatch
155.8275WQKQ646 631 DPL NRP Poolesville MC 5 Poolesville FMN Law Dispatch
155.325WQIC922 RM 351 DPL NRP SidelingHill MC 7 Sideling Hill Mountain (Hancock) FMN Law Dispatch
151.3325 351 DPL NRP Bridgeport MC Bridgeport FMN Law Dispatch
155.595WQNE907 RM 351 DPL NRP Fairview Mtn MC Fairview Mountain (Clear Spring) FMN Law Dispatch
151.4075 351 DPL NRP Frederck MC Frederick FMN Law Dispatch
155.3625KBU666 RM 351 DPL NRP Gambrill Mtn MC Gambrill Mountain FMN Law Dispatch
155.8575WQIC929 RM 351 DPL NRP Hagerstown MC Hagerstown FMN Law Dispatch
156.2025KQP648 RM 351 DPL NRP Lamb's Knoll MC Lambs Knoll FMN Law Dispatch
155.8425 351 DPL NRP Marlu Ridge MC Marlu Ridge FMN Law Dispatch
154.2575WNGL372 RM 351 DPL NRP Thurmont MC Thurmont (Frederick County) FMN Law Dispatch
151.4675 RM 343 DPL NRP Martin's Mtn Martin's Mountain FMN Law Dispatch
151.205 RM 103.5 PL NRP Mount Nebo Mount Nebo (107.2 PL on input) FMN Law Dispatch
151.205 RM 103.5 PL NRP Town Hill Town Hill (118.8 PL on input) FMN Law Dispatch
159.240 BM 218.1 PL NRP Area 7 Unknown - Area 7 (possible input to 151.205) FMN Law Dispatch
159.240 BM 123.0 PL NRP Area 8 Unknown - Area 8 (possible input to 151.205) FMN Law Dispatch
159.240 BM 74.4 PL NRP Area 8 Unknown - Area 8 (possible input to 151.205) FMN Law Dispatch
Statewide Channels
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
159.240 M 103.5 PL NRP T/A 159.240 Talk-Around FMN Law Talk
151.205 M CSQ NRP T/A 151.205 Talk-Around FMN Law Talk
155.850 M NRP Mob Repeater Mobile Repeaters FMN Law Talk
159.405 M 250.3 PL NRP TacticalTeam Special/MOD Squad (Rangers Tactical Team) FMN Law Tac