Mayerthorpe Airport - CEV5 (Lac St Anne County)

Changes and Updates
Last 100 Changes
Changed Admin Date
Agency: Mayerthorpe Airport - CEV5 changed from Mayerthorpe Airport - EV5 (Aircraft / Airport) to Mayerthorpe Airport - CEV5 (Aimciupa2017-02-22 01:26:34
Agency: Mayerthorpe Airport - EV5 changed from CEV5 Mayerthorpe Airport (Aircraft / Airport) to Mayerthorpe Airport - EV5 (Aircrmciupa2017-02-21 18:06:51
Changed Subcategory Details For: Mayerthorpemciupa2013-05-22 18:13:08
Sort order changed to from 0 for subcat: Unicommciupa2013-05-22 18:12:52
Frequencies Updated (Updated: 1, Deleted 0) for Air Traffic Controlmciupa2013-05-22 18:12:44
Sort order changed to from 0 for subcat: Unicommciupa2013-05-22 18:12:44
Frequencies Updated (Updated: 1, Deleted 0) for Air Traffic Controlmciupa2013-05-22 18:12:21
Sort order changed to from 0 for subcat: Unicommciupa2013-05-22 18:12:21
Changed category from (Air Operations 10) to (Air Traffic Control 10)mciupa2013-05-22 18:12:00
Agency: CEV5 Mayerthorpe Airport changed from Mayerthorpe Airfield (Aircraft / Airport) to CEV5 Mayerthorpe Airport (Aircraft / mciupa2013-05-22 18:11:09
Sub-category (Unicom Sort 20) changed to (Unicom Sort: 20)mciupa2011-06-13 18:41:21
Tagged 1 Frequencies with (Aircraft)Jay9112008-03-18 18:16:15
Frequencies Updated (Updated: 0, Deleted 0) for UnicomJay9112008-03-18 18:16:15
Frequencies Updated (Updated: 1, Deleted 0) for UnicomJay9112008-03-18 18:16:08
Sub-category (Mayerthorpe Sort 20) changed to (Unicom Sort: 20)Jay9112008-03-18 18:15:46
Sub-category (New SubCategory - CHANGE THIS NAME) deleted from Category (Air Operations)Jay9112008-03-18 18:15:32
Category (Air Operations) addedJay9112008-03-18 18:14:48