Businesses - Southwest (Madison County)

Category Report
Category Subcategory Lat Lon Range
Granite City - BusinessesMiscellaneous38.695-90.1472.84
Granite City - BusinessesAmerica's Central Port (Granite City)38.732-90.1641.94
Granite City - IndustrialFactories / Plants38.691-90.1442.94
Granite City - IndustrialAmsted Steel Founderies - ASF Keystone (Granite City)38.70311-90.159281
Granite City - IndustrialCargill Metal Supply Chain (Granite City)38.73142-90.152831
Granite City - IndustrialGateway Energy and Coke Company (Granite City) 38.69672-90.127142
Granite City - IndustrialMiddletown Coke 38.6975-90.124171
Granite City - IndustrialSunCoke38.696-90.1310.02
Granite City - IndustrialU.S. Steel - Granite City Works38.81831-89.956061
Granite City - RecreationTri-City Speedway38.97304-90.182670.25
Madison / VeniceMadison / Venice38.683-90.1611.9
Madison / VeniceAbengoa Bioenergy of Illinois (Madison)38.6835-90.181611
Madison / VeniceTerminal Railroad Association of St. Louis (TRRA)38.661-90.1573
Pontoon BeachPontoon Beach - Miscellaneous38.741-90.072.59