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Randolph County Trunked Systems (5) Trunked
Randolph County Amateur Radio Amateur Radio
Randolph County Category
Airports Aircraft / Airport
Businesses Business Group

Served by Survival Flight on 152.3225R 107.2 PL; See MedEvac for more info
AWIN talkgroup 29702, Trauma Comm 1 has been heard in use by St Bernard Five Rivers, ProMed and Survival Flight.
Survival Flight 9 and ProMed Ambulance (along with the Sheriff, may used VMED 28 155.34 156.7 PL for Landing Zone (LZ) operations. (noted as the "Hospital Channel")
Medic One may serve the county, only for Mutual Aid when no local EMS is available. They will use 155.1975 NXDN Repeater (10 RAN)


Randolph County


155.1975 mainly used by Pocahontas Police and ProMed EMS in digital mode. Analog mode is available, but rarely used, for interop with area agencies.

Arkansas Wireless Information Network (AWIN)
Project 25 Phase II
Sheriff uses talkgroup 53743 as primary, with light encryption. Secondary on talkgroup 13001, with the listings below.
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.1975WPCJ500 RM 10 RAN Rand PocaPD/PMed Pocahontas Police/ProMed Ambulance: Dispatch NXDN48e Multi-Dispatch
155.1975WPCJ500 RM 503 DPL Rand911 Interop 911: Interop (only) FMNe Multi-Dispatch
158.730WNDL334 RM 114.8 PL Rand Sheriff 2 Sheriff: Backup [Ch 2] FMNE Law Dispatch
154.860WNDL334 M 114.8 PL Rand Sheriff C2C Sheriff: Car-to-Car [Ch 3] FMNE Law Tac
154.340WQDR580 RM 167.9 PL Rand Fire/OEM1 A Rural Fire/OEM: Dispatch [OES 1] FMN Fire Dispatch
154.340WQDR580 RM 10 RAN Rand Fire/OEM1 D Rural Fire/OEM: Dispatch [OES 1] NXDN48 Fire Dispatch
154.340WQDR580 RM 167.9 PL Rand Fire/OEM2 A Rural Fire/OEM: OES2 (210.7 in) FMN Fire Dispatch
151.0325WPQE294 RM Rand Hiway 0325 Highway FMN Public Works
151.550WQBT455 RM 67.0 PL Rand Hiway Ops Highway Ops FMN Public Works
151.880 M 114.8 PL Rand Hiway151.88 Highway Flagman FMN Public Works
154.570 M 114.8 PL Rand Hiway154.57 Highway Flagmen FMN Public Works
159.945WQBT455 M 114.8 PL Rand Hiway59.945 Highway Flagmen (Maynard Area) FMN Public Works
St Bernards Five Rivers Medical Center (Pocahontas)

EMS dispatched by Randolph County Sheriff

FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
159.120WQRQ229 RM 210.7 PL FRMC Operations Operations FMN Hospital
155.340 BM CSQ FRMC Pat Reports Patient Reports [No License] FMN Hospital
Lawrence County Regional Water District
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
173.20375WRAH778 F LCRWD Data173.20 Water Data (Pocahontas) Telm Data
173.2875WNHJ656 F LCRWD Data173.28 Clay County Regional Water (O'Kean site) Telm Data
Okean/Walnut Ridge
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.1225WRAB769 M CSQ Okean Fireground Fireground FMN Fire-Tac

Most police traffic is on the County Repeater 155.1975 10 RAN.

Arkansas Wireless Information Network (AWIN)
Project 25 Phase II
Police use talkgroup 53794 (Multicast to 155.1975 Secondary), Fire uses talkgroup 53795 and Office of Emergency Management uses talkgroup 53796
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
155.565WPIE283 RM 10 RAN Poca Police NX1 (BACKUP) Police NXDN48E Law Tac
155.565WPIE283 RM 118.8 PL Poca Police A (BACKUP) Police FMNE Law Tac
155.0925WQIA465 F Poca Wx Sirens Outdoor Warning Sirens Telm Emergency Ops
156.165WPIE283 RM 11 RAN Pocahontas FireN Fire: Primary NXDN48 Fire Dispatch
156.165WPIE283 RM 203.5 PL Pocahontas FireA Fire: Primary FMN Fire Dispatch
153.710WPNQ676 RM Pocahontas Water Water Department [Expired 5/24] FMN Utilities
Warm Springs Fire

Also licensed for 155.0175 Repeater with 159.015 (at Maynard)

Black River Technical College (Pocahontas Campus)
FrequencyLicenseTypeToneAlpha TagDescriptionModeTag
461.900WQSZ749 RM BRTC Ops A Operations [Expired 12/23] FMN Schools
464.725WQSZ749 RM BRTC Ops B Operations [Expired 12/23] FMN Schools